That's the question; how do you "say" 2010?Going to follow this movie..I am gonna say 2010
During the 20th century, we said, nineteen-o-one thru nineteen-o-nine, then nineteen-ten thru nineteen-99. But we didn't start the 21st century with twenty-o-one; we used two-thousand and one.
In the past, we said, "18-hundred, 19-hundred, 2-thousand (not twenty-hundred).
That's the question; how do you "say" 2010?
During the 20th century, we said, nineteen-o-one thru nineteen-o-nine, then nineteen-ten thru nineteen-99. But we didn't start the 21st century with twenty-o-one; we used two-thousand and one.
In the past, we said, "18-hundred, 19-hundred, 2-thousand (not twenty-hundred).
Now, part two of the question.
How do you all sign the year 2010?