Where do you get hundreds of kids from? We are talking about the population from ONE hospital. ONE! I remember back before implantation was more strict, someone at DumbNotes posting the numbers of the number of implants that had been done at a prestigious hospital. It was quite small. Although implantation restrictions have been loosened, they're still rather strict. Yes, it's not a study from some hospital that has a small CI program. But neither is it national. It's the results from ONE. ONE. (and it's also from an area that's quite wealthy) I'm not anti CI or anti oral speech. It's just that you don't understand very well about sociological influences having an impact on stuff like this.is hundreds of kids. that is as big a study as is possible, there just aren't that many kids to study.
every hospital is going to have some rich and some poor kids. you say the same bullshit about "over-involved , rich parents" but you have nothing but your spewing hate to back it up.
this was a good study, following kids of all methodologies, for several years. It includes timelines and outcomes for all the kids not just the stars. it even includes the preimplant information about the groups. you just like what it says because it challenges for preconsieved ideas and that scares you.
Bear in mind there have ALWAYS been "superstars"
Also, the increased "sucessfully oral kids may be due to the loosening of the implantation restrictions. Not to mention there's still kids who are going to be
They also do not explain what criteria they used to define " supports etc."
Besides this is still a very preliminary study. Wait til the kids are a bit older. yes, their spoken language abilty is good. But that doesn't mean that it will be good all across the line. If I recall correctly its actually quite common to see *gasp* "TERPS at AG Bell conferences! Many kids may discover ASL and Deaf culture (as shel, me and countless others here did) Even with the hearing aid auditory verbal results, there were still kids who discovered ASL and Deaf culture. Matter of fact, its actually very common for AG Bell kids to go off to college at *GASP* NTID. It's too soon to tell. Heck I bet in a few years, we'll have a bunch of parents asking why their kids aren't thriving in their mainstream (regualr school regular class with minimal accomondations) placement. They'll send their kids off to deaf school and the cycle will repeat itself!