2 1/2 more months until the girls arrive!

Mrs Bucket

New Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Hi everyone! I haven't been around much these days as this pregnancy is quite tiring for me. I use my pager more often & use Facebook to communicate with friends outside of this forum. Hubby and I took pictures to show how far along my beautiful belly has grown since the pregnancy announcement.

The girls are doing fantastic and they are quite active. We just can't wait to have them in our arms very soon. They're due the middle of August.

Take care everyone and have a great summer!

Beautiful pictures. You both look very happy. Congratulations. :)
Really beautiful pictures. I have to echo Botts!

Congratulations to you both !!
You're absolutely "glowing", Ms Bucket. And your hubby looks so protective of the babies....A "proud" Pappa!...Sure, I've missed you around AD....
I am SOOOOO happy for you both. I am so glad to know you guys way back before you guys become parents in 2 months or so. Beautiful pictures!!! Agree that you are glowing so beautiful. Thank you for sharing these pictuers with us.
Such beautiful pics, Patty! You look so angelic, and the kids are already blessed to have you! :hug:
Hugs everyone! Yes, Chris is very protective of the girls and he makes sure I am okay. He forbids for me to over-exert myself as I already have a painful back from carrying two babies. Chris is just so overjoyed at being a Daddy. He loves rubbing the girls. At the moment, I'm already tired and will be napping shortly after having lunch.

Thank you all for your beautiful and kind words. Keep in touch and big hugs! OXOX
Congrats to you and your husband, Mrs. Bucket. Wishing you the best with your pregnancy and twins. You both look fantabulous!!
I am so excited for the both of you! You will make wonderful parents! :hug:
I'm really excited for the two of you. :hpyer: Both of you look awesome. I bet you'll be glad when the babies are born!
It is getting so close! The girls' birthday will be here before you know it!
Mrs Buckets, I love this picture. You and hubby are so much in love and he is so protective of your angels. I know you can't wait and I for one can't wait to know what names you have chosen.
Take good care of yourself and the girls. I'll be thrilled for ya'll when the birthday arrives. :D
Congratulations! I am sure you are both excited to have the girls' enter the world soon. Happy pregnancy :)
Great pics, Mrs B.. ya and Chris sure looked great for that... and hope the girls will arrive with no problems and give you all the joy of the world for many years to come!
Awwww! 2 girls!? Lucky! I have 2 boys! I wanna a girl! Hee! :) Hope they born on my birthday?! *finger cross* Are they identical or fraternal??

Congrats! :)
Opps I didn't read your ticker till now....lol! fraternal twins! :) Awesome... names? Or still work on it?
Oh, I love those four black and white pictures which remind me of the old days when I was very young. Black and white pictures are much better than color pictures.

Your hubby look very serious and very protective of you and the babies. Congratulation on getting closer to two months away to go in August. Looking forward to the future pictures after the birth. Yes, you need plenty of rest but also need to exercise like walking so that you will have easy delivery when it is time for the babies to be born. I miss you, Mrs. Bucket. See you around when you are ready to post. :thumb:
Good pics. Am glad for you both.
Hope the rest of pregnancy not to mention the birth will go smoothly.
Looking forward to hearing the news in August. :)
Take care