Read this study carefully and feel free to ask me questions.
Read this study carefully and feel free to ask me questions.,%20%20JARA,%20%201989.pdf
Read this study carefully and feel free to ask me questions.
One of the very first sentences says:
"While reliable detection thresholds for pure tones can be determined for severely/profoundly hearing impaired children at a rather young age, it is more difficult to measure their ability to perceive speech."
That is the whole point....which you missed. What good is it to have huge gains and super loud aids if it doesn't provide access to speech?
I like how Jean Boggess said in the research document:
1) It is much more difficult to measure perceived speech than pure tones
2) Speech perception was not measured.
3) Further research is needed to determine the impact of volume on speech perception.
I told you that I was rocking to Weird Al while you were in diapers.![]()
Did you do the study? Is that why we would ask you questions instead of actual professionals?
Plus, 1989? Really? That was the best you could find? How is it possibly relevant today?
Ask anyone questions. The professionals in that article demonstrated that sufficient gains is required in order to get to the speech banana. They showed that most with severe hearing loss got some benefits from HAs but that most with profound losses could not get into the speech banana. This was true in 1989, but today HAs can dish out 70db gain so even someone with 100db HL can easily get into the speech banana.
And now Deafdude won't reply because he sees how ridiculous the post was.