15,000th Post And So Long Alldeaf!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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With my 15,000th post (a milestone that I have been waiting to hit for quite a few months) I would like to say SO LONG! I am going into deep lurk. This place while it has an amazing history, and I have spent lots of time here, and made some great friends here is now extremely slow. Nothing much really happens here any more. I know forums are pretty much obsolete (as everyone's migrated to Facebook). So I may check every so often (just in case any parents of dhh kids who need help show up) but, this is GOODBYE! Been good knowing you!!!!
Forums are obsolete really?


So long,
With my 15,000th post (a milestone that I have been waiting to hit for quite a few months) I would like to say SO LONG! I am going into deep lurk. This place while it has an amazing history, and I have spent lots of time here, and made some great friends here is now extremely slow. Nothing much really happens here any more. I know forums are pretty much obsolete (as everyone's migrated to Facebook). So I may check every so often (just in case any parents of dhh kids who need help show up) but, this is GOODBYE! Been good knowing you!!!!

What I have added the bold to makes is sound like you are trying to make sure this one does become obsolete! And NO not everyone has migrated to Facebook.
I don't think AllDeaf will become obsolete for a long time.
What is FaceBook? J/K I don't do that. Please stop by often to give us heck. :)
Facebook is a rather strong drug like entity that will literally suck your brain out
Avoid it at all costs Capps
Head my signs
Forums or really ANYTHING on the internet is like a drug Hoichi ;).

Unfortunately I do have to agree.. use of forums is somewhat on the decline. Most forums I am a member of are very very quiet with very little posting anymore.

That said... did there really need to be a thread just to announce 15K posts and to say "so long!"?
I am way ahead of you on the FB thingamabob, Hoochie.
Is the decline due to other dope like Facebook? Or is their another cause or multiple causes to the declines of forums

As I see it
What a forum offers Facebook doesn't is the public access of it.
Anyone can find a forum
Isn't Facebook a closed freak show for the invited.
Is the decline due to other dope like Facebook? Or is their another cause or multiple causes to the declines of forums

Oh yeah... Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat (maybe). To a lesser extent LinkedIn. Could go on for days.
The OP can simple leave and come back whenever she can. No reason for this thread if you're going to come back.. people come and go. Sure forums usage has been declining... but I don't think AD is going anywhere. There's plenty of forums out there that people still seek information and help (auto, culture, train, and many more to list).

Btw not everyone has FB, Twitter, and such.
I think we do need some new members who stay longer than a week. We pretty much know who is going to reply on each thread. I am not saying that I don't like you all but some new minds added in would be cool. Or when we comment on a newer member and then they fall of the face of earth, never to be seen again.... although I am a Facebook user and bounce between all deaf and Facebook, and Craigslist lol, I personally like all deaf better because new people can jump in, there are many topics and threads to join, or you could just read everyone else thought and leave.Facebook is all selfies and regrets
I do hope you pop in now and then DD :)

I do enjoy reading your input on things.

Best of luck in life and your future endeavours though! :mrgreen:
Maybe I don't understand but facebook just looks like people forwarding the same crap news clipping about the kardashians back and forth to each other.
Maybe I don't understand but facebook just looks like people forwarding the same crap news clipping about the kardashians back and forth to each other.
Thanks for posting this b/c I was thinking of having a facebook account again, I am sick of hearing about the Kardashian.
Maybe I don't understand but facebook just looks like people forwarding the same crap news clipping about the kardashians back and forth to each other.
Maybe you need to weed out your FB friends. I don't get that stuff on my wall. And if I did, I would hide the friend(s) who do that. I have "friends" whom I've hidden, but most of my FB friends post good stuff.
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