13' Resolutions?


And voila, crazy projections of what you think my motivations were. I never said any of that or even remotely close to that.....you did. Your perceptions are way off, way way way off. You're insane, high, or just an asshat. Take your pick.
Who posts in a public forum that their son's friends enjoy watching them exercise? Do the math. Your son's friends must be peach-fuzzed boys. Absolutely pathetic. Go have a few smokes to calm down.

I don't have time for idiots that cannot debate without using playground insults. You would lose. Same as your efforts to stop smoking; complete failure.
Who posts in a public forum that their son's friends enjoy watching them exercise? Do the math. Your son's friends must be peach-fuzzed boys. Absolutely pathetic. Go have a few smokes to calm down.

I don't have time for idiots that cannot debate without using playground insults. You would lose. Same as your efforts to stop smoking; complete failure.

You are unbelievable. I never said that, you said that. I said my kids are proud that I can do things a lot of moms can't, and that he wanted me to show his friend, both of whom had been into weight lifting and had been working out together, that I can do one armed push ups. Anything else is your own warped twisted perception, so no they're not playground insults, they're truths, you are sick and twisted.
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And fyi, what you've been doing isn't debating. You just came here attacking and insulting me, that's trolling or flaming. This thread about peoples reslutions for the next year and for people to offer each other support and encouragement in their endeavors. If you're not here to do that, move along.
im a non smoker (used to some 15 years ago, off and on), even 20 years from now i was doing 200k's running a week...

today i tried jogging for not even a 2 miles, i puffed and stopped few times, (not stopped just walked and run abit i know BAD..but im serious OUT of Shape in the lungs and legs). man it was hard,and now my legs feels very stiff and hard...thump thump as i walk horrible i know it was pass...since that was it was like exactly the same when i first started at 19 ... then it got easy, like some one mentioned above, 3 miles got too easy then 6 then 10 miles...and it helps with you run faster enough, and that the body's tolerance goes higher, making it you have to work bit hard to get the edorphin high kicking in again, thats gets addictive and which is why people do marathons or middle distances they LIKE the cocaine-like drugs...

and the legs goes on 'automatic it runs by itself'
if i dont give up and try that 2 mile run every day same pace for 1 week then next week the stiffness might go away i hope maybe 3 weeks since im older now...
Getting more tattoo does fit the new year plan, but the thing is I have no one who is expert on drawing what I want... I want it exactly what I have on mind... maybe they should have wires attached to my head and have the computer draw it out for me to make it easier, then have it drawn onto my skin... other then that, a new car each 3 of us... if you got the money for me. LOL.

When you find a tattoo artist that you like their work, they should have portfolios at the shop, you can sit down with them and they'll draw you something, tweak until you like it. You don't have the art first, first you need the artist :D

I've been thinking a lot last week or so about what work I want done on my tat. Mostly I just have to decide who I want to go to, the guy who already inked my text, he is awesome and text doesn't show his skills at all, or my old buddy back home in NH who is also awesome. Well, money will be the biggest deciding factor because what I want done won't be cheap.
im a non smoker (used to some 15 years ago, off and on), even 20 years from now i was doing 200k's running a week...

today i tried jogging for not even a 2 miles, i puffed and stopped few times, (not stopped just walked and run abit i know BAD..but im serious OUT of Shape in the lungs and legs). man it was hard,and now my legs feels very stiff and hard...thump thump as i walk horrible i know it was pass...since that was it was like exactly the same when i first started at 19 ... then it got easy, like some one mentioned above, 3 miles got too easy then 6 then 10 miles...and it helps with you run faster enough, and that the body's tolerance goes higher, making it you have to work bit hard to get the edorphin high kicking in again, thats gets addictive and which is why people do marathons or middle distances they LIKE the cocaine-like drugs...

and the legs goes on 'automatic it runs by itself'
if i dont give up and try that 2 mile run every day same pace for 1 week then next week the stiffness might go away i hope maybe 3 weeks since im older now...

Exactly! You got to keep at it, I haven't run in a few months so even after doing p90x I'll still be feeling it for a week after I start again.
I thought you were talking about a 13-foot resolution, since the title shows the apostrophe after the 13, not before.

(for those that don't get it, it should say '13, not 13')

I don't make resolutions, just one goal: Ride my bicycle 500 miles more than last year, which was a disappointing 1100 miles due to work & family life. (All my riding buddies average 2500-4000 per year).

I was trying to think of a clever way to bring up the difference until I read this posting of yours where you already did it!
Nothing is more pathetic than a smoker defending themselves. Despite what they think, their habit is forced on others. We all deal with increased health care costs, costly fires, careless littering, second-hand smoke, etc. I was lucky to escape the clutches of nicotine. It was not easy, but I was not willing to go back.

All smokers will be forced to quit at some point; why not do it while you can live a decent life? It won't be very rewarding when it only enables you to take oxygen.

Dude, walk a mile. Seriously, walk a mile...
well...I think SWK has walked a mile, even several...he may sound tough...but seriously, that's exactly what I would need around me at all times to be able to ditch the ciggies once and for all!...Sugar-coating it doesn't work....pleading/begging doesn't work in a lot of cases also....

I knew this lady who was a hair dresser in a Salon...worked there many years, around all the hair dye fumes and hair sprays....she smoked also....eventually was put on oxygen....but she just took the oxygen out and smoked a ciggarette

And whenever I pass by a Nail Salon, the fumes are horrible just don't see how the workers can work there. Some do wear masks...some don't....
I've known people who have quit smoking after 10's of years. I've known some who've lapsed and some who have not. However, I do not pretend to think I know the resolve of any of those people. Each person carries their own experiences and each task is different. Because of this, I cannot judge success or failure by a single effort, so too is true of all.
I don't make new years resolutions. I make them all year.

I completely agree with you! I try to keep revising my life, behaviour, etc., until I'm happy with all my habits and things. Why wait until the new year to take stock of your life and make positive changes? =)

I guess this month, I'm going to try to improve my ukulele-playing skills, and try swimming & Pilates more often to get rid of the weight I put on over the winter break. So much tasty food! x__x
if i were you, if hold of till i know exactly what to go on the skin..because it IS permenent...i think id lke a snake and crane, but that's a personal meaning...and i still dont want to have it...because...tattoo is not clothes to change...you can grow a beard it becomes you and you can shave it off. but ink in skin is entirely different..just one advice DONT ever use a name of a wife or lover, NEVER EVER...

Like I was born yesterday. I already have one and of course never have someone's identify tattooed because you can divorce that person unless in honor or a loved one such as family. More information below the next quote.

When you find a tattoo artist that you like their work, they should have portfolios at the shop, you can sit down with them and they'll draw you something, tweak until you like it. You don't have the art first, first you need the artist :D

I've been thinking a lot last week or so about what work I want done on my tat. Mostly I just have to decide who I want to go to, the guy who already inked my text, he is awesome and text doesn't show his skills at all, or my old buddy back home in NH who is also awesome. Well, money will be the biggest deciding factor because what I want done won't be cheap.

I have several artists and I know bunches of tattooists in town.. I have talked with two and they have sat down.. not even a match or anywhere close to what I want so I have to go find more advanced artists. I am down deep into specific details on what I wanted on my next two tattoos but 3rd one is just simple. I have few friends who can draw but not the way I want it so I will have to find photos and all the sort and combine them.. so the artists will see exactly how I want it done. Plus for these tattoos I want, I will have to save up some money first. LOL. I have kids, they come first. I have business, that comes next... no free money yet unless you give them to me for keeps, then I will get it done :D
well...I think SWK has walked a mile, even several...he may sound tough...but seriously, that's exactly what I would need around me at all times to be able to ditch the ciggies once and for all!...Sugar-coating it doesn't work....pleading/begging doesn't work in a lot of cases also....

I knew this lady who was a hair dresser in a Salon...worked there many years, around all the hair dye fumes and hair sprays....she smoked also....eventually was put on oxygen....but she just took the oxygen out and smoked a ciggarette

And whenever I pass by a Nail Salon, the fumes are horrible just don't see how the workers can work there. Some do wear masks...some don't....
I have also learned to ignore the attention-seeking trolls that abound online. I call it like I see it. Some people cannot understand why the entire world is not in love with the image they see in their mirror.

I know there are people that don't like my opinions. They take it personally. That is not an issue for me. It ain't the messenger, you know? Maybe the message stings, but if someone tells me they plan to quit an addiction, but postpone it, it begins to sound familiar. Who hasn't been told these kinds of things before, from addicts of various substances? I know you have, RR. So have I.

Someone is still bitter that I didn't grab the lotion and cover my desk chair with a towel when they posted a video.
There's a person in my building, elderly, who used to be very active in the Church. Unfortunately, now she goes everywhere with an oxygen tank, the result of a lifetime of smoking. I feel sorry for people that have caused this kind of misery in their life because it's so confining. I don’t believe anyone deserves this; nicotine is a drug, and like all addicts, some are truly helpless against it. I feel sorry for anyone incapable of understanding how their addiction is robbing them of a better quality of life.
Someone is still bitter that I didn't grab the lotion and cover my desk chair with a towel when they posted a video.

bitch please, that's creepy as all hell. you're the one trying to sexify the video, which means you had a sexual reaction, which frankly is really weird. Sorry you got turned on by pushups, you must have a very a deprived sex life and feel guilty about and taking that guilt out on me. I feel very sorry for you.
SWK, just drop it eh, this is supposed to be about the 2013 resolution and of course not all of it will be fulfilled, some want to have a gf, or bf, or get a new car, or learn hang gliding, or learn do hair dressing, and more often than not it never happens. So far you have been getting quite argumentive and it's ruining the thread, just chill out. Thing is
good on Ambrosia to consider even trying it, let alone to consider to try give up still qualifies as a resolution for the new year. This is not a debate, this thread is about sharing what's your goal or hope to do for 2013, Maybe yours to to change from dissagreeing to something more like finding what you Agrees with. This will go a lot further. These days i prefer not say nasty things, or say nothing, or compliment people as if I dare to!, EVEN on something i dont entirely agrees with it 100% but i recognise people's drive for improvement and growth. Think about it, school teachers would have to do it too, bosses (only good bosses, even employees to improve their chances to be promoted), compliement, encourage people for better things or even courage to try! Even I've been told by teachers (a couple of them are freinds), that they dont like it, or too rough to, can't do, too difficult but encourage their students to do what they are good it, or want to do. This takes maturity, obviously you havent shown that.
I might swear, or be rude sometimes, but I'm seldom want to bring in the negatives or drag down people, it just dont bring back the goods, it never does. Think about it. Why don't you experiment with being nice. Try it for once, actually try it soon and not for once, try do it at least once a day, from now on. How's THAT for YOUR resolution?!?
one other thing, smoking is harder to give up than heroin...sugar is harder than coffee, power is even harder to give up than all of it, no wonder the world's a mess.
bitch please, that's creepy as all hell. you're the one trying to sexify the video, which means you had a sexual reaction, which frankly is really weird. Sorry you got turned on by pushups, you must have a very a deprived sex life and feel guilty about and taking that guilt out on me. I feel very sorry for you.
More playground namecalling?

FYI, I never watched the video. You bragged it up. I recall you telling me how you could run around me. Not very impressive when you consider I will be 58 in a month. What do you do for building your esteem, lie about your age so you can enter senior events?

I am not looking for replacement mate. I already have the best. Good luck to you.
I just thought of something else I want to do this year. If not every day, at least once a week, on the way home from work I'm going to stop at my bank and deposit one of my cash tips into my savings account.