

New Member
Mar 14, 2003
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im sick. verrrry sick. I've had a spilting headache for a few days where it feels like my heads gonna pop, I've been sneezing nonstop and sometimes when I sneeze, there's blood.. hmm wht else.. I've been coughing too..threw  a few times too.

just wanted to mope. ignore me.
Hope you get to feeling better very soon!!!!!

Theres a bug that its been going around. Here the weather is getting colder so lots of colds, coughs, etc.

As for the blood, I'd go see a doctor. Sometimes you'll see blood with a cold or allergies, but better to be safe than sorry.
lilredridinhood said:
im sick. verrrry sick. I've had a spilting headache for a few days where it feels like my heads gonna pop, I've been sneezing nonstop and sometimes when I sneeze, there's blood.. hmm wht else.. I've been coughing too..threw  a few times too.

just wanted to mope. ignore me.
Get laid! Ok, that's lamest joke ever in history.

Seriously, blood? from your mouth or your nose (nose bleeding?) Hope that is just temporary flu or something... Eat well and sleep well! I would suggest something for you to give it a try but you didn't ask for anything so I wouldn't.

Be well soon!
lilredridinhood said:
im sick. verrrry sick. I've had a spilting headache for a few days where it feels like my heads gonna pop, I've been sneezing nonstop and sometimes when I sneeze, there's blood.. hmm wht else.. I've been coughing too..threw  a few times too.

just wanted to mope. ignore me.
I think it's girl cooties
ewww ♀ cooties! good 2 see u bbnt

I slept a lot the other day, didn't help, I just gfot benadryl allergy/cold meds. I think its due to allergies.. if I don't feel better by thursday ill go 2 a doc. being sick blows.
Sounds like a nasty bit of the flu. Maybe you should see a doctor...your nose may very well be raw from all the sneezing you've been doing, and that may explain the blood...but you really should get the opinion of someone with an "M.D." after their name... :)

Feel better and stock up on NyQuil. :)
Try homemade chicken noodle soup, hot tea with honey and plenty of water and/or 7up sodas. Turn on water humidifier because it seems the air is dry since your nose is bleeding. Put small amount of antibiotic ointment in your nose if the bleeding was coming from your nose. If it doesn't work, go see doctor. Hope you feel better soon. At this time of the year, lots of people had been sick as well.
Aw :(

I sure hope you are feeling better soon!, stay warm
hope you feel better soon.. hmm.. thanks DD i gotta buy stock from those cold meds :D
I'm sick too.. been that way since sat.. cold... first with throat sore then stuffy nose, frequently coughing with mucus coming out, little runny nose, hard to breath.. I breath in weird way... I hiope I get better soon!!!! I've been taking meds and vitmains and zinc meds that my mom suggested me to take since shes a nurse... my brothers are sick too. One of them had to go to Urgent Care and found out he have either bonchris (sp?) or puemonia (sp?),,, Being sick is no fun. Not funny.... I guess i'll have to sleep more so I can feel better in no time.