I don't have a problem with "you speak so well!" - I simple take it as a compliment, and say back "thank you!".
I do speak well, dammit!

as best to my abilities!
Damn if I won't get compliments for it!
It implies that people who don’t have clear speech are less intelligent, capable, or aren’t trying hard enough.
I disagree. People may have same speech problem due to, say,
a mouth disfiguration, i.e birth defect "cleft palate" - does that mean anyone think on the spot they are" less intelligent, capable, or aren’t trying hard enough" - NO.
I feel this is a pre-concived assumption.
I do hate "oh, I am sorry", when people notice my hearing aids and either stop talking or walk away.
wtf is that? what am I, all of a sudden a grieving widow, just orphaned, grew a third arm, a second nose, or some shit like that??
#4 - I also got it in migraine version :roll: dunno what's worse, but I think - migraine, hands down. yeah, no contest.
#7 – But, you have hearing aids.
I just use the guitar comparison here -if guitar miss some strings, no matter how much louder you make it, you can't make them louder
if they isn't there. 99% peeps get it.
#8 – Oh, are you going to get that implant thing to fix your hearing?
I also explain - my migraines may suffer, also CI doesn't sound the same as normal hearing. most pple understand, realise it is not miracle cure and leave it at that.
#9 – But you don’t sound deaf.
Thank you !
(what's the point, anyway?)
#6 – Oh, I’m so sorry. Losing my hearing would be the worst thing in the world.
I say-
" it really is not that bad.
I also have migraines, and if I was going to be born again, and was asked what is it- migraines or being deaf- I'd say- deaf, definitely!
You just never needed to, so thus never have a chance to experience what is like to be deaf,
but if you were BORN deaf or HoH it would be normal state of being for you, like being hearing now. Just think about it for a while.
You get used to it, and you accommodate.
And without fail, it stops everyone in their tracks and make them think.
they usually say after a while "well, yeah... maybe.."
#3 – Can you read?
I have never ever encountered this - wtf??
#2 – How do you drive?
I turn the key on, and go!