“Brain Dead” Teenager Awakens From Coma After Her Family Sings Hymns


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“Brain Dead” Teenager Awakens From Coma After Her Family Sings Hymns

Mar 29, 2014 1 1329

LifeNews has repeatedly chronicled cases of people who were prematurely declared dead or said to be in supposedly persistent vegetative states who ultimately recovered.
Now comes the story of Lexi Hansen, a BYU student who suffered critical head injuries last week after being hit by a car. Hansen, 18, was alert and breathing on her own Tuesday, though she was still listed in critical but stable condition. She even tried to get out of her hospital bed. While she has a long road to recovery ahead, her family believes they have witnessed a miracle.

“When they brought her in, the doctors gave her less than a 5 percent chance of survival,” said Doug Hansen, Lexi’s father. “They told us to call our family and get them here quickly because she wasn’t going to last too long.”

In a Thursday evening interview with ABC News, Marcia Hansen, the teen’s mother, said tests indicated her daughter had essentially been brain-dead when she was brought to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo.
The Deseret News has more:
Just before 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 26, Lexi was riding her longboard while crossing the street in a crosswalk at the intersection of University Avenue and Canyon Road when the accident occurred. No alcohol, drugs or texting were believed to have played a role in the crash, police said.
Lexi suffered head injuries and was in a coma for several days. But Sunday, she came out of the coma as her family sang hymns around her.
“We had the most amazing experience today at the end of everyone’s fast,” the family wrote on the Pray for Lexi Facebook Page. “Lexi opened her eyes and kept them open for nearly an hour while we sang hymns to her as a family. While we were singing, she hand signed, ‘I love you,’ moving her arm around so that everyone could see. She then reached for each person’s hands individually so she could squeeze them. We could hardly sing due to the tears streaming down our face. We knew we were witnessing a miracle.”
Lexi’s mother, Marcia Hansen, says Lexi is a fighter. Every day she is improving on the previous day, she said.
“Every single day is a miracle, every single day,” Marcia Hansen said. “It was a zero percent when she was found, then 1 percent the next day. Now there are still a few things that we are not sure of, but almost everything is just positive.”

Wow Miracle ....
I believe she's fighter on her own.

Dreadful story on the news about teenager taken away from her parents because hospital says she over medicated by parents which not true...this poor kid not allowed to have a priest she begging to come home...her health getting worse...I no remember her name but I gather story international Could anyone explain situation as it appear drackonian what happening..(it not this child)
Elephant in the room: I gotta wonder, is this news only because she's a pretty blonde?
I don't know what to believe. She was in a coma, not brain dead. There must be something wrong with the print of the news. It look like error to me. She came out of the coma. :roll: So that does not make any sense to me here. **sigh** :(
Yes, I don't believe she was brain dead, she was simply in a coma. Sad when stories are misprinted like this. That gives families like the one of that little girl who is brain dead and the family took her from the hospital because they can't let her go who is brain dead reason to keep holding on to her... *sigh* Great for this girl, sad for the families of brain dead victims who will now hold on to stories such as this.
Wow that is wonderful story indeed a miracle that is for sure she have long way to go I am sure she will be fine once she gets better then sue whoever hit her :)

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Theres alot of people who are brain dead... that arent in a coma.
Theres alot of people who are brain dead... that arent in a coma.

I saw one today , a driver was making a left turn and they got right into the oncoming traffic lane and a huge delivery truck was in the lane trying to made a turn. I thought there was going to be a horrible accident but the truck had a brain and slowed down.
sonocativo and whatdidyousay!

Are you joking by making April Fools Day? Really. :roll:
This is awesome. It's a blessing to hear the testimony and knowing that the Lord is working on her. God is good at all times. :)
If it were me and my family I'd wake up just to tell them to shut up :D

sonocativo and whatdidyousay!

Are you joking by making April Fools Day? Really. :roll:

Not April Fools, but a joke yes.

He means stupid people, walking and talking, all the time, everywhere dumb people.

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