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  1. G

    Delicate social situation--need advice

    LOL. I actually started the group when I was going crazy from being at home with a baby and telecommuting, but I don't think of myself as the "leader." I agree that ganging up on someone is totally unacceptable. I tend to be over-sensitive myself, and the one and possibly only upside of that is...
  2. G

    Delicate social situation--need advice

    I don't disagree, but this is a group of working women who are almost all also the mothers of young children (which is a full-time job in itself), so this is our one and only time to talk and/or be together. From my own observations, I think it's natural for groups to have a main conversation...
  3. G

    Delicate social situation--need advice

    All good viewpoints to consider. I was especially struck by the comment that she had probably grown up in isolation and learned to be aggressive as an alternative to being completely shut out. It is definitely her agression and lack of boundaries that cause the issue, but this comment helps me...
  4. G

    Delicate social situation--need advice

    Thanks to all of you for your input. I also feel that she is being unknowingly rude. As a hearing-impaired person, I understand that typical hearing people don't want to have to repeat every little offhand remark they make to the person next to them to the whole group. I am also surprised she...
  5. G

    Delicate social situation--need advice

    I am hearing impaired and belong to a woman's group that meets at a local coffee house to knit and chat. There are anywhere from 6 to 10 of us in the group. Because of my impairment, I can't hear all side conversations, but I can follow the main one, more or less, and when I wish to have a side...