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  1. E

    How do you want to be treated/viewed in the hearing community?

    So you don't want to be friends with hearing people? Or am I misunderstanding you? Why not? Isn't that just the opposite of being audist? I mean we are all people, differences just make friendships more fun. I have a friend who is learning english, and we frequently miss communicate but we just...
  2. E

    How do you want to be treated/viewed in the hearing community?

    That is ok, I suck at babysitting babies in diapers cause I can't smell to save my life and never know when they need changing! But I do wonder what it would be like to know what things smell like. And I do appreciate things like my sister telling me the cookies are burning, although it irks me...
  3. E

    How do you want to be treated/viewed in the hearing community?

    Gee I don't know. I guess for things like music that you don't get to hear??? I know that has been the hardest thing for my sister, although she has continued to play the piano even when she has virtually no hearing at times.
  4. E

    How do you want to be treated/viewed in the hearing community?

    As a hearing person with a sister who has been battling hearing losses for years now I am interested in deaf culture. My biggest question is how do you want hearing people to view you? I struggle to find a balance between having compassion for people with hearing losses, but at the same time...