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    A Cure

    Dogs in the unconditionally ...etc.etc. Perhaps it is brains and souls?? :)
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    A Cure

    The brain is one of the fascinating parts of being human. :) Here are two books that you may know of (or not). :) The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science: Norman Doidge, MD | The Brain That Changes Itself official website Proust and...
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    So, will the deaf culture be there?

    I believe that you use facial expressions (eyebrows up or down frown ) to convey pitch, though in tone languages you bend your wrist to indicate up or down. I do not recall ever having to answer that specific question. I’ll ask the experts for you. :)
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    So, will the deaf culture be there?

    I am not sure that I understand exactly what you mean deafgal001. Are you meaning as in higher and lower sounds??
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    An Exclusive Choice

    Cued speech offers deaf children links to spoken English Cued speech offers deaf children links to spoken English
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    So, will the deaf culture be there?

    There is only one visual system that provides access to the sounds of spoken language (for example English), with prosody and rhythm etc., and that is Cued Speech.
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    So, will the deaf culture be there?

    Excellent post!:ty:
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    Deaf in denial... help

    jhintak - have you looked at the communication, language and literacy option of Cued Speech?
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    So, will the deaf culture be there?

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    Oxford English Dictionary....

    ...... has vault full of rejected words Oxford English Dictionary has vault full of rejected words
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    Law of Attraction

    If you want it it can happen..... These videos are captioned.
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    and the love pours forth.......

    YouTube - Military Reunion This is not cc'd. The pictures speak for themselves.
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    Malaysian Mirror - Funding the teaching of Cued Speech

    Malaysian Mirror - Funding the teaching of Cued Speech
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    A teacher of the deaf talks about using Cued Speech

    YouTube - A teacher of the deaf talks about using Cued Speech This video is captioned.
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    Supporting deaf children in schools and teaching English as a second language to deaf

    YouTube - Supporting deaf children in schools and teaching English as a second language to deaf teenagers This video is captioned.
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    Deaf children learning maths vocabulary and so much more through Cued Speech

    YouTube - Deaf children learning maths vocabulary and so much more through Cued Speech This video is captioned.
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    Cued Speech version of Everybody Hurts - for Haiti earthquake

    YouTube - ‪Haiti cued Speech for‬‎
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    Rockville parents opt for Cued Speech

    Rockville parents opt for Cued Speech
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    Hearing mom

    Hello hearingheart - I am not sure what you communication choice is at home. Have you explored the choice of the system Cued Speech for use with spoken English?