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  1. LeaDam

    prices of PALM TREO 650......

    if I already know, I was seeing from, but I have much doubt if I buy and soon it brings here but if he does not walk palm..todo bad! I need confidence to import and to export.
  2. LeaDam

    prices of PALM TREO 650......

    Hello to all. as much time, good I wanted to find out the prices of PALM TREO 650 and also to like as to send the apparatus to ARGENTINA but since she is made to pay money somebody so that treo650 can buy palm new because alla but cheap that of here. Thanks I wait for your answers...
  3. LeaDam

    What is your nationality ?

    pure ITALIAN 98% cool!.. 2% ---> french...???
  4. LeaDam

    Cars of Argentina

    In Argentinea people are greater the fanaticos of the mark to lider is CHEVROLET, also FORD that are enemy between ford and chevrolet. my favorite mark is Chevrolet.. aca goes some photos that were in Argentina.
  5. LeaDam


    In Africa this fashionable one... :crazy: :crazy:
  6. LeaDam

    Post your best picture ever!

    I am going to postear my better photo, than wave? for my a little boring je! :crazy: :crazy: :ugh:
  7. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    ALEX: Whichever it does that to live in the USA? that either to write or the English very! cool! perdon algo un poco de ingle pero mal oraciones jee.. si ya sabes!. Saludos!! Greetings
  8. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    jue... ta bien mucho gusto...!! Listo Good, so far I write between English and Spanish mixed jee! Cooll! Spanglish!!:naughty: :naughty: ;)
  9. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    ah q suerte sos peruano!... si vos conoces a un tal PIPO David Ruiz ?? saludos
  10. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    if that, I to learn from the computer by programs, games, several who are English... and asi fights it fights! single I! also the language english is world-wide are used.
  11. LeaDam

    What was your first automobile?

    my first cars. 1- 94' Renault 19 Coupe 16S 1.8 (France) 2- 95' Honda Civic Type R 3- 90' Fiat 128 "Drag Race" !!!! 4- 95' Renault Clio Williams 2.0 (better of all!)
  12. LeaDam


    i have the car Renault Clio Williams 2.0 150cv, 240 km/h
  13. LeaDam

    Classic collection

    Ohh Dios mioo como me encanto ese auto!!!.. Aca in Argentinean are several chevrolet camaro models of 70' estan barbaros, with engine v8!
  14. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    :shock: :shock: :ugh: je, this good is no problem that I continue writing English bad, I am going to hold! :cool: :cool: ;) posteo mi Photo
  15. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    That good they are all. Che are some know to speak Spanish?:gossip: :grouphug:
  16. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    it watches to read you, fijate.. thanks:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :eek: :eek: :ugh:
  17. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    si gracias a todos.. Bueno. Thanks to all. the serve of the page of that was the Link ""
  18. LeaDam

    Hellooo... form argentina

    Hello my name is Leandro, I am of Argentinean also I am deaf. them control greetings to all the deaf people! pardon I am bad in english but jeje ;) ;) ;)