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    VCO phone

    PowerOn I believe there is .... I see somewhere on the thread few month ago... sorry couldn't remember the name of it... I believe it works on Blackberry but not sure about other phone...
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    VCO phone

    I am using CapTel at work. It helps, but there is always few second delay between me and the person that I am talking to on the phone. It is because the operator has to type the words for you to read on the CapTel phone. Anyway, there is no other better technology that can do better and faster...
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    Those Receiving SSI, How Much Do You Get Each Month?

    okay, I am lost on how to get "SSDI, SSA and SSI". I know that SSI means that deaf and disable are qualify to get it. But what does SSDI and SSA means? Does SSDI means that deaf must work part time under $900 per month and still collect about $600 from SSDI? And same thing for SSA...
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    Wasteful time fill out applied Many JOBS

    just a thought.. Have you try Temp Agency that are friendly and EOE.... Shipping, Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain Management from UPS (it is part-time working at warehouse) Working at Supermarket job at the hosipital If you see a Help Wanted sign, apply in person. You might...
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    Second Credit Card

    Nope, I would not get another credit card unless you want to go into a debt. Wait a minute let me put it in another term... Avoid credit card or Pay high interest rate... which one? Reward is nothing but a slick advertising ...
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    Cool Alarm Clock

    I never had a Sonic Boom vibration alarm clock in my entire life until I came across the picture that I google on the web. I am heavy sleeper and I can't afford to be late for my job. I'm looking for the best vibration and reasonable price alarm clock that will wake me up in the morning...
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    Experiences the 1st week after CI operation?! Help!!

    I know the feeling because I almost went through that situation few month ago... in March 2010. You will feel off balance, dizzy, loosing taste, eye sight problems, and fear that there is something not right here.... It is possible that your brain may be swollen... Just make sure that your...
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    Anyone able to enjoy music with their cochlear implant?

    What kind of CI do you have? Advanced Bionic or Cochlear America
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    CI and interpreting

    Overthepond, One question.... Are you able to hear or understand words without lip reading? "I had my CI for nearly 2 years and i still need my Electronic notetaker. I have been profoundly deaf since birth. Since my CI, my lipreading may have improved alot, but I still...
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    CI controversy

    "CI are no longer considered part of the deaf community and are considered an outcast. " It appears there is something wrong with the person. S/he may have several reasons. Is it possible that the person is not qualify to get the CI? Or is it because the person doesn't have the money? What...
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    Do and Don't before and after surgery

    Can anyone list of Do's and Don't before or after surgery? Example: Do kiss your spouse before surgery. Don't take asprin for two weeks before surgery. Don't drink alcohol or smoke for 2 weeks before surgery. Don't play video game after surgery because your eyes will be crossing...
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    CI surgery pennding and I'm nervous

    I'm having a surgery on 23rd. I was reading on several website about what you should do and don't. Have you took Advil or Claritin D or Allergy medicennse before surgery? I heard that it will be more painful or will cause more complicate during the surgery. Is that true? I have been taking...
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    What is the best ointment brand to use after CI surgery? Does it heal your scar fast? :hmm: Polysporin, Bacitracin, Neosporin, peanut butter and jelly or similar antibiotic ointment
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    $70k for CIs!

    When you say medicare... how or where do I apply? There gotta be a foundation or program for each state that is willing to help pay qualified candidate to get CI. I 've read Cochlear Implant Assistance Program - Colorado Neurological Institute and other, but none of them is located on the...