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  1. S

    Interested about Gallaudet

    I agree with you Jkclark! anything what deafilmedia said is not worth it to you.
  2. S

    Interpeter's Personality

    Have you ever seen any interpeter who come often late? and they seem not very happy about a job??my highschool interpetern didn't seem to be friendly with me, but I notice she was friendly with other teachers. I have been wondering....does it have something with me or what? I couldn't help why...
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    Interpeter's Personality

    Hi! My name is Sally and I have been checking out for sometime or once a while. I would really love to hear some of your opinion about your thoughts and feeling. I'm just cerious about your opinion about your full time interpter at your high school, or post-secondary...
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    This is Sally

    oh I wouldn't really like that nickname because it is not very apporitate to say it.
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    Hello from Ontario, Canada

    Hi! I live in Ontario same as you! I totally understand how you feel about hearing world. you're not only one! I was really amazed to read your message, and I agree with you more than 100%!
  6. S

    I'm Lori and new to this..

    Welcome to alldeaf! It is really good for you to teach your son ASL and that will give him more confidence! Sally
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    This is Sally

    Thank you for all welcoming!
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    This is Sally

    I didn't mean to say that! And you are right, I do have a name. teachers and students didn't call me deaf or hard of hearing to me, but to other people i think.
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    This is Sally

    Well....that is pretty hard question, but Implant is sound really different than hearing aid. aslo it bother me sometime.
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    This is Sally

    Hi everyone! I'am here to become part of because I want to learn more about deaf culture, sharing all your thought and opinions. I'm known as ASL as I learned for many years since I was a young girl. I used to have hearing aids for both ears, and then now I have a cochlear...