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  1. N

    Bluetooth technology for BTE?

    Thank you all, again. I'll save up some money and try some of the options you mentioned. Madison069 thanks for the laugh. I think I'll put it at the foot of her bed based on your advice, ha-ha.
  2. N

    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    As a parent of a hard of hearing child, an ex-boyfriend of a deaf woman, and prior to both, a college student who took ASL in college as my foreign language, I don't feel ASL should be banned. In school I felt the visual layout of conversation made for a clear picture of whatever people...
  3. N

    Bluetooth technology for BTE?

    thank you all for your input Thank you all for your input. Alicia, she brought home her FM boots from school on accident yesterday, and this morning and I tugged on them and found it is really two pieces with the pin set-up. Thank you for your reply. Now, I have to save some money...
  4. N

    Bluetooth technology for BTE?

    Hello all. I am new here. I am a hearing parent of a hard of hearing 8 yr old. She currently has phonak maxx311 bte's. I am so tired of watching her try so hard to hear the cell phone or listen to music. I can see she is frustrated. My question is this: is there a bluetooth boot that...