Search results

  1. DirtyOldMan

    what if *stalker*

    Oh, you thought?! I was looking at other one behind you! :fu:
  2. DirtyOldMan

    What Do You Think Of Reagan?

    I think that he's an honorable president... he overshadows all presidents in history... I don't think that Bill Clinton is ever that close to Reagan... Reagan was superior to Clinton, period... For personal behavior a factor in ranking of presidents... That's weird about the...
  3. DirtyOldMan

    what if *stalker*

    *Pulled my head back in awe* I can see a little girl curling her toes with excitement when a sensuous dirty old man was looking at her... Let's see... who comes on my list... Names in alphabet order... or someone who might have caught my attention... :naughty:
  4. DirtyOldMan

    I am so mad for this!

    Crazy in Alabama! :lol: just kidding... Don't worry, some people have it! I lost one of my good friend... he killed himself by installing hose in exhaust pipe and put the other end of hose in window and winded up close... he just died... :pissed: But that's different kind of depression he...
  5. DirtyOldMan

    AD hookups

    :dunno: It's their decision to put her/his lover's names in their avatar or whatchamacallit... I will not put my lover's name on my avatar! :mrgreen: I have seen some Mexican men with tattooed abdominal area with lady's face... beautiful... very deep!!! I respect that... so same goes for...
  6. DirtyOldMan

    Lady on Top

    On top of what? your face?! ha!
  7. DirtyOldMan

    angel or devil

    I'm an angel *Hiding my devil's tail back* :nana: Maybe was never an angel?! ha!
  8. DirtyOldMan

    what if *stalker*

    :squint: *Stalking some chicks here*
  9. DirtyOldMan

    is it okay to cry?...

    Ha ha ha! i cried for one year after i got circumcised. :lol:
  10. DirtyOldMan

    Password Problem

    :naughty: But now you can get in without any problems, yes?
  11. DirtyOldMan

    Ben Affleck & J.Lo split.....

    Who cares? :o If I get around in hollywood... I would have fucked her! (already) :lol:
  12. DirtyOldMan

    Password Problem

    Hi, Cheri... Thought that you got some dirty viruses in your puter? :lol: ;)
  13. DirtyOldMan

    What are you doing up this late?

    I used to have some time on my hand... But it's rare these nights... :mrgreen:
  14. DirtyOldMan

    Does your parents approve or disapprove on the things you've done in your life?

    One more thing... Tell me a bit about yourself too? Why did you ask that very question? heh heh :mrgreen:
  15. DirtyOldMan

    Does your parents approve or disapprove on the things you've done in your life?

    *Laughing in agreement with Vampy* Yeah, I just don't fucking care about what will my parents think of me. Know why? You and each of you are born to have mind of your own! So therefore, every and each of parents should expect that they will face with their own blood and flesh children...
  16. DirtyOldMan

    What are you doing up this late?

    *Scratching on my head* ---> I can't stay up late on weekends so yeah, because I have to go to the college... Check your grammar... Do you go to school on weekends? You feel old? I thought that your a virgin teeny boy! :lol: But otherwise... your doing real good! :D
  17. DirtyOldMan

    Shouldn't we........

    :lol: @ this thread... This is DEAF forum... I agree with Tousi... And my other side agree with anyone with their opinion. I know that it's somewhat of sticky... Don't everyone make some mistakes when submittin' some errors in their grammars. I just don't &^%$ing care! :rofl...
  18. DirtyOldMan


    It sucks! I could call it as "why no" :o
  19. DirtyOldMan

    Ringo Problems?

    To hell with Know why? Hard time to get in... no problem... I ain't so worried about it until then... when I pah get in... I get some requests, messages, and something to look at... :D Who cares? *chuckles softly* :lol:
  20. DirtyOldMan

    2 Jobs.

    Ah, I used to work three jobs and full time college. It was somewhat of stressful things to do. But I handled it alright. Right now, my school's on hold. And working two jobs. Not that bad at all. In time, I'll do just fine. :D So will you! ;)