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    [VIDEO] Cued Speech (ASL, English Open Captions and text transcript)

    thoughts on cued speech What's that you said? · Thu, Feb 08 2007 I've been watching this video on cued speech and I must say I'm quite ambivalent.On the one hand, it blows all the other codes I've seen out the water. And it actually assists in lipreading. I mean, it's seamless. It works with...
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    READ Educational Center

    Imol Cue Speech and ASL are two separate languages; you can’t mix them together or deaf children to feel confused about Cue Speech and ASL. In addition, there is Cue Speech with voice and ASL is with sign language. I have no idea whether deaf children would be able to develop the skill to...
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    READ Educational Center

    Years ago, I saw a deaf child who was about five who used Cue Speech and so did her parents. She grew into teenager at what time she continued to sign using SEE. In my childhood, I learned well how to use voice Spanish that seemed easy; however, other deaf children had to struggle to use...
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    READ Educational Center

    Hello everyone. I am here to tell about my experience with gaining the freedom of speech. My Spanish language was first and English second then ASL third. :thumb:
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    READ Educational Center

    [QUOTE=loml "Cued Speech and ASL actually work very well together." I haven’t seen deaf young who use Cue Speech and even ASL that will be successful. I admit that I had hated English speaking that was too difficult for me to continue. My other teacher used Cue Speech and her hand...
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    53 It is a direct excerpt from the book - p. 3 “Deafhood is not, however, a ’static’ medical condition like ‘deafness.’ Instead, it represents a process - the struggle by each Deaf child, Deaf family, and Deaf adult to explain to themselves and each other their own existence in the world …...
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    I like your kokonut pundit blog when I enjoy reading. My feelings about deafhood seem to push me into a deaf group because I am scared about losing my culture. Remembering when I chatted with a Hispanic deaf man at the café, he asked me if I knew about Hispanic history. I answered “No , I...