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  1. S

    my sister & drugs "Paraphernalia and crack-cocain

    hello my brother is a recovering heroin addict.He has been clean from that over a year.Now he is on methodone. Thank God he doesnt have kids.If he did.I would taken them from him in a second. Because he lying,stealing,homeless. For people like that you reach a breaking point.(They do,and you...
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    Can I join you?

    Thank you.Nice to meet ya! Evette
  3. S

    Who Here had Hearing at one time?

    I am HOH. I cant hear high pitches mostly.Phone,things like that. Or I miss letters when people say things like if someone said Hair.I might hear the word air. I think I may have made it worse when I was younger going to so many concerts.LOL Evette
  4. S

    Tell me about you.

    C'mon, you know you love to talk about yourself.LOL I am new here. I think this is post 3 or 4.But I want to get to know everyone. I am always fascinated with people's stories.Even though I have been through a lot.My life seems rather boring. Evette
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    Have you ever been discriminated against?

    Because of your hearing or any other medical issues? I can't really remember being discriminated against as in a job or something like that. But I was not a very popular kid I can tell ya that. I am blind in one eye.HOH,and have a heart problem.But as an adult I dont think all that is that...
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    Who likes Sylvia Browne?

    I think sylvia browne is a little off sometimes. But I remember seeing one of Montels shows with her on it. And she talked about an incident that happened here in michigan. There was some workers that were doing some work on the Ambassador bridge.Which is the bridge from here to Canada and...
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    Can I join you?

    :fly: Good Morning. My name is Evette.I am a Rubella baby.Well, I was a baby 34 years ago.I live in Mi with my husband and 2 kids. I am HOH among other things. Just looking for people to chat with and learn from. Thanks Evette