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  1. C


    :mad: Have you ever lost a best friend over something stupid cause I just did
  2. C


    Well, I want to loose weight REALLY bad I mean like REALLY bad I am about 160 pounds I am 13 and I am about 5'5-5'6 Recently I kinda stopped eating when I say kinda I mean I stopped eating breakfast lunch and dinner and just had little things of food, like at school we have pizza and salad I...
  3. C

    Icon Makers?

    Does any one know a good sight where I can make an icon to have on here? *_* :dunno:
  4. C

    Guys make no sense!

    Well I know not all guys are weirdos! And I guess your right I shouldnt rush things and I wouldnt if he wasnt moving in like 2 month
  5. C

    Guys make no sense!

    So I really like this guy at my school, and I IMed him and asked him if he liked me and he said ya a little so when I asked him if he wanted to be my BF he didnt respond and changed the subject, I know for a fact he has no GF! Its so weird guys are weirdos :dunno: