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  1. wickedeyed

    Happy Birthday Wickedeyed

    damned announcements on the bottom of the screen but thanks you all. :) just one more year before i become legal. fewer laws for me to break. :(
  2. wickedeyed

    Damn, Look who posted today, The queen of pain

    oh good satan, yes. good and some memories that's better off not being remembered. :-D
  3. wickedeyed

    Damn, Look who posted today, The queen of pain

    just ask the one of the aders who's been here as long since AD1, and they'll supply you wit all the necessary information to avoid me.
  4. wickedeyed

    Do you believe in God?

    no. this opinion is formed by me myself and i.
  5. wickedeyed

    How many Deaf people in the world?

    give your life a meaning. go and census them all.
  6. wickedeyed


    I don't suffer from the memes, I just think I'm better than everybody else.
  7. wickedeyed

    Damn, Look who posted today, The queen of pain

    that's one of my other aliases.
  8. wickedeyed

    Damn, Look who posted today, The queen of pain

    i feel validated.
  9. wickedeyed

    Deaf Girls

    i've never met a hearing person.
  10. wickedeyed

    I found bbnt's website!

    and he has been reported lurking around
  11. wickedeyed

    Free at last

    honey. you will never be free. not to the extent you want. freedom costs money. a job earns money. but a job is not freedom. its all a cycle. but neverthless, i will leave that up to gally to thwart your hopes. congrats.
  12. wickedeyed

    Medical Study

    actually-- that wouldnt work for me.
  13. wickedeyed

    What you will never

    btfl: i dont want sex today.
  14. wickedeyed

    What you will never

    bbnt: i'm really inept in sex.
  15. wickedeyed

    Post your favorite quote

    man goes to bed with itchy ass wakes up with smelly finger.
  16. wickedeyed

    What you will never

    bbnt: i want to spend less time on ad and feed my daughters more.
  17. wickedeyed

    What you will never

    sleep good. :mrgreen:
  18. wickedeyed

    What you will never

    justin sane: i find gay men very sexually erotic.
  19. wickedeyed

    What you will never

    :fu: justin sane: i am madly in love with wickedeyed