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  1. H

    learning ASL

    There is a Deaf Culture Centre in the Distillery district.
  2. H

    Wittiness: Failed.

    :-) hi!
  3. H

    learning ASL

    Lucas, I'm near you but just early days of learning ASL myself. What about Canadian Hearing Society? Or Bob Rumball Centre? Not sure on costs. George Brown courses (night school) start in September, unfortunately. They do offer bursaries to help with course/book costs.
  4. H

    Guess What??????

    Congratulations, you must be a REALLY good student!!! :)
  5. H

    yesterday i signed my first paragraph in asl class!!!

    Unfortunately, as it's a Continuing Education class at the college, it is what it is. Our first term teacher told us it was the smallest starting class he'd ever had, but I'm extremely grateful it was, I don't know if I would have learned as much otherwise. He also showed us this film in...
  6. H

    bit of a rant with front ensemble technican teacher...

    Could you get your tech to hold your hands, holding the mallets, and demonstrate exactly how he wants you to strike the notes? Then you would know *how* it should feel, kwim? I'm sorry your parents aren't being supportive, you sound so frustrated! Do you have a guidance counsellor at school or...
  7. H

    yesterday i signed my first paragraph in asl class!!!

    I canNOT sign in front of a mirror, it's too distracting! The ASL class I was taking is divided into 4 parts, and B was supposed to start this month, but has been cancelled due to lack of students. So, SO disappointed! We'd already done signing our introductions about ourselves, and our...
  8. H

    yesterday i signed my first paragraph in asl class!!!

    Awesome! I look forward to some day being fluent in ASL and faster than the turtle signing I do now. :D
  9. H

    boys frog chat ASL

    I love watching them!
  10. H

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    Hey, there's a reason Americans call us CONadians! lol
  11. H

    join a gym

    What about mixing it up a bit, use the elliptical machine or (my favourite) the CardioWave? Definitely start out slow with that treadmill!
  12. H

    And like sand through an hour glass... these are the days of our lives... lol

    Seriously??? I used to post on the eBay boards, and there would be the periodic fakers, but this is ridiculous! lol I'm glad to see the mods are monitoring the site so closely. :D
  13. H

    What's your dinner tonight?

    Made homemade pizza tonight!
  14. H

    What's your lunch tonight?

    Rainbow cabbage salad with tahini-lemon dressing, wild rice and half a whole tilapia (which I've decided I dislike, it tastes like dirt). Chocolate milk has made me feel much happier though!
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    Night Owl and Morning Bird ZZZZs

    Not fair and incredibly inconsiderate! He needs a taste of his own medicine, to be honest. A little courtesy is a hell of a lot cheaper than a divorce.
  16. H

    What's your dinner tonight?

    Dh and I cooked tempura tonight: okra, mushrooms, peppers, yam, tofu and fish. Kids had leftover chicken scallopini and shepherds pie (and tempura).
  17. H

    Baby Ava

    I think probably the biggest difference for Ava, is that both her parents are deaf, so she was going to learn to sign whether or not she'd been born deaf. My ASL teacher (who is deaf) is married to a deaf woman, their children are both hearing, and the kids sign.
  18. H

    Question about ASL

    I'm a hearie, and learning ASL which I think is an incredibly vibrant language. Ive applied to college for a 1 year program in Deaf studies, hoping to go on to the interpreter program if they accept me. At this point, I don't use my ASL every day and I'm far from fluent, but I find myself...