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  1. H

    Just saw a very different sign for color 'brown'

    Ah, makes sense, journey. thanks. ;-) Posted from App for Android
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    Just saw a very different sign for color 'brown'

    Brown 2, from the video is how grey is signed in Canada (what I've learned). Brown, we've been taught, instead of B on the cheek, is claw 5 hand, by the ear, rotated forward 1/2 turn. Cracks me up, since "crazy" is a half turn backwards!
  3. H

    Do women find bald men attractive?

    my husband was balding at 26 when we met. he shaves his head (no, he's not a biker or martial arts guy), and quite honestly I think he's more attractive without the hair than with. it helps that his head is nicely shaped and he has big eyes to fill up the space! Posted from
  4. H

    Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment

    ^^ That's what I figured they would do.
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    Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment

    In the board of education my kids are in, because it is generally only one or two students that identify as transgendered, they use the teachers' washrooms, which are singles. It's done that way for the comfort of the transgendered student as well as the others. As to changing for sports, we...
  6. H

    Missing a hubcap...

    scrap yard. Posted from App for Android
  7. H

    Best Deaf Cell Phones? Samsung Galaxy Note II is one!

    oh no about the drop! Your provider will be able to replace the glass, though they'll have to send it out. I have an Otter Box cover for mine because I drop my phones. Always had iphones before my Note ll and I prefer it. love the pen. Posted from App for Android
  8. H

    Sign Language

    Part of my Deaf studies program was learning Gestures. It was a bit of I.S., but it was more acting out situations. Wish we'd done more I.S. , it could come in handy.
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    ASL interpreter programs in Colorado? This site may be of some help to you.
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    Sign Language

    It was renamed International Sign, to my knowledge. But either way brings up links and information. Gestuno
  11. H

    Ontario question

    I don't care for Tim's coffee myself, though it's practically a religion here.
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    looking for advice on becoming an interpreter

    I don't think passing yourself off as an interpreter, if you've not completed a certification would be wise. Take some classes, talk to some local interpreters, and make an informed decision.
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    Interpreter dress code

    Interesting. Metalangel and I had a course this semester called "Becoming an Ally", taught by an interpreter, and one of the points she emphasized with us was dressing appropriately. As a matter of fact, it was part of our presentation mark. She also recounted a couple of occasions where she had...
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    Eagle Grabs Baby And Try to Fly Off!

    The computer arts students that created that video will be getting A+'s for sure! Child-snatching eagle video created as student project - Montreal - CBC News As for my daughter, she didn't even notice! We asked her if she saw it or felt it, and nothing. lol
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    Eagle Grabs Baby And Try to Fly Off!

    A large hawk swooped down on my daughter at the beach (she was in the water) and just missed her. We figured it saw the sand bucket in the water she was holding, and thought it was a fish. My husband and I were in shock, she was 8 at the time, much too big to carry off!
  16. H

    Is it today, Botts?

    Have a spectacular birthday weekend!!!
  17. H

    Work rant!!!

    I do believe under the provincial disabilities act, that kind of discrimination isn't allowed. You might want to talk to your work's human resources.
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    Some Questions Regarding ASL

    Metal-angel and I were discussing teaching discrepancies, we have 3 different (Deaf) ASL teachers teaching our program; two do things similarly, the third has some signs she does differently and will insist that her way is the only correct one! It can be confusing trying to remember who did what...
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    about me

    How long ago did this happen to you? Welcome, the people here are very kind!
  20. H

    two Deaf babies

    Judging by the comments, someone was reading a lot into a 60 second ad.