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  1. Sugar Addict

    BREAKING NEWS,=Plot to blow up planes' foiled

    dude, england ALREADY had their version of 9/11 I'm not going to tell you, i'm going to enourage you to do your research about this certain event that occured, it happened over a year ago and during the summer
  2. Sugar Addict

    Please tell Congress to raise the minium wage!

    I totally agree!
  3. Sugar Addict

    Giant Fish Impales Fisherman

    fish getting smarter, now thats disturbing
  4. Sugar Addict

    GOODBYE!!!! Joe Lieberman!!!!!!

    I personally see this as a clever political move- he will get all of the votes from those who has issues with both or one of the parties candidates and second, hes a decent guy- and that is a rare those days with the politicans
  5. Sugar Addict

    Hearing Lecturer in Gally Restroom Peacefully...

    he actually said 20 to 80 percent DEPENDING ON THE PROGRAM and second, did he state when this occur? no it could be true if it happened some time back -cheers
  6. Sugar Addict

    10 Reasons Not To Get LASIK

    okay this article was written in 2004 and its argument of lasik being in its infancy is invalid now that it has made many advances (everyone knows that technology changes every month or so) so imagine this 3 or 4 years outdated argument due to its most recent source that it provided was only...
  7. Sugar Addict

    Hi there

    which state are you from? my highest was 203 back in high school i've not bowled in ages due to working the 2nd shift which kills my social life :/
  8. Sugar Addict

    Redneck joke

    :popcorn: I think it was the frenchman that got away not the redneck
  9. Sugar Addict

    I got Accepted!

    congratulations and best of luck in your studies
  10. Sugar Addict

    Multiply vs Overpopulation

    i think its due to more resources being used to go into funds for the needy such as cooling/warming centers, senior citzen centers, homeless shelters, programs for the at risk youth, public schools, electricity, water for mroe people and most of all, crime control :) so more police...
  11. Sugar Addict

    deaf single connect (debates)

    wanted to state something: if a person registered with, that means that person is already a member even with a zero post- am I correct or do you guys have another standard that wasn't mentioned in the announcement about being part of the alldeaf event besides paying for it? I'm not...
  12. Sugar Addict

    Between boy and Father

  13. Sugar Addict

    What animal are you?

    dont get a heart attack- just continue without submitting your email address it still works :) I didn't put in my email address and still got the good 'ol result of a bumblebee like the majority of the responses
  14. Sugar Addict

    Only 1 Deaf girl came 5th in Motorcycling Championships

    lol its funny when people are new to expressions that they haven't heard of :cheers:
  15. Sugar Addict

    Would you??

    heck it goes for the guys too! its either good looking deaf guys are gay or taken :hyper:
  16. Sugar Addict

    Bill Oreilly is Threating Mexico with a boycott.

    I had to look into this as it seemed that they're like 50% but yes youre right about the latinos, interesting! yes I agree with you about the population of 15% total in demos as your stats are almost simliar to the census (i double checked :) ) according to the stats pulled up from the...
  17. Sugar Addict

    Difference Between Women and Men

    i liked this one, cute!
  18. Sugar Addict

    Bill Oreilly is Threating Mexico with a boycott.

    :hyper: this aint gonna work with this beer, lot of american-mexians have ties here in united states and latinos are nearing to be the majoriity of the population