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  1. DDU

    Hey NFL Football Fans! Welcome back

    pats must lose, pats must lose, pats must lose!!! go iggles
  2. DDU

    Very Convincing Twillight Cast Look Alikes

    ah ha, a sci-fi stage. read the book "the cat who could walk thru walls" .
  3. DDU

    3 year old with cochears

    run the deafies are coming, the deafies are coming !! all kidding aside. i actually support kids getting a CI . would be a loss if a kid has a chance to hear something at some point in his life instead of losing that chance. i lost my hearing at 11 and realize what i gained from that period of...
  4. DDU

    Tampa Florida Jan 20th

    shows you are a newbie. you need to be spanked for that:whip:
  5. DDU

    trip to south africa

    that's why you gotta stick close to PFH matajan !! any trouble and you just give him a push towards the danger and run the other way
  6. DDU

    Very Convincing Twillight Cast Look Alikes

    twillight freak are you now shelia? is this next for you-------And A Testament To Her Virginity Picture
  7. DDU

    Amtrak: All Aboard -- And Bring Your Guns

    this is the kind of gun i want===== Good Morning Lab Prank Video
  8. DDU

    What is the most stupidiest question can you come up with?

    Deafgal, will you marry me ?
  9. DDU

    Another 1 trillion dollar injection?

    Oops. Looks like our government forgot us poor saps, I mean taxpayers. Seems they were busy kissing up with china and giving china $485 million to build a solar farm in texas. We owe so much to china that we have to throw a few million at them or else they will bankrupt usa totally
  10. DDU

    Airport of full body scanners and enhanced pat-downs >>VOTE???

    Too true. I actually pity the poor kids 10 tears old and under. What do they have to look forward to? Health care? Jobs? Polar shift? China as the new world power? Or worse possible thing,, matajan as president. Please shoot me
  11. DDU

    Police Bruality against Deaf

    Now that is a classic. Your cop probably had dope and a gun he could plant on you. If I run into that sort I roll over right away if there are no witness or camerals around. Itls all K yes sir anything you say sir/ which cheel do you need kissed?
  12. DDU

    Airport of full body scanners and enhanced pat-downs >>VOTE???

    Ooooooook. I cede the debate to your resourceful argument. Their are no terrorist. There are no terrorist. There are no terroist. ( click heels 3x. Toto where are you)
  13. DDU

    HRH Highnesses Prince Charles& Camilla unharmed on protest

    Bells at wesr minister abbey toll. This is the beginning of the end of that monarchy. When even more of the budget cuts and taxes increase in england who will find the ire of the public the most ?? Why the money pit that is the royal family !! Stick them in a cottage on the isle of wight...
  14. DDU

    Police Bruality against Deaf

    Lets cuff D , slap him around and push him down some stairs.
  15. DDU

    Police Bruality against Deaf

    Like I said. Take the citizen police acadmey class. A real eye opner. One statement by one of the commanding officers is how they can stop you., when they can stop you. How and why they can cuff you. Misinformation causes problems. Know your enemy, in this cvase the police can be your enemy
  16. DDU

    Billboards Say Jesus Returning In May

    the real future The scene is the year 3010. Somewhere in tennessee . The aftermath of WWIII has become a tourist attraction for visitors from a distant solar system. " MOM!!! What does that say" Mom " let me ask CIed-022" " beep beep - "jesus is coming may 22- bbep beep"...
  17. DDU

    Airport of full body scanners and enhanced pat-downs >>VOTE???

    wowser I sure wish I was living on your parallel universe. This one blows. As has been demonstrated with disheartening regularity so called terrorist still target passanger planes. Just one small bnomb, one big enough to puncture a plane flying at 30,000 feet would be enough to send...
  18. DDU

    Police Bruality against Deaf

    when a cop stops you you have to do anything he says. you are under his authority until he lets you go. the cop took the girls phone- therefore it is under his authority. the girl walks away- therefore she is leaving the scene. she resists arrests. therefore she is charged. deaf /hearing...
  19. DDU


    welcome. there are people who will sign with you on the web and there are various deaf get together so you can meet your local deaf too. join in the discussions on various threads and you can learn a little something
  20. DDU

    Airport of full body scanners and enhanced pat-downs >>VOTE???

    i will wear my speedo's. should show i am not carrying weapons