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  1. W

    Driverless UVC Webcam- Logitech Vison Pro

    Let me know how it goes. I used P3 under vmware, but it tends to have some freezing issues.
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    1989 HA study showing more gain=better

    Hearing sound doesn't mean understanding speech. If you boil down the paper to what it's really intended for, it's pretty straightforward. All it says is that with increased volume, presuming that the cochlear can still react at the frequencies, eventually sound could be "heard". However...
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    1989 HA study showing more gain=better

    I like how Jean Boggess said in the research document: 1) It is much more difficult to measure perceived speech than pure tones 2) Speech perception was not measured. 3) Further research is needed to determine the impact of volume on speech perception.
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    The CI for children issue (My POV)

    Interesting points. My simplistic view is that parents do the best they can with the knowledge that they have, at that time, to provide the best for their child(ren). If you go retrospective, then it becomes a series of "what if", and "grass is greener" as Souggy has mentioned. No matter what...
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    Wal-Mart fires employee for chasing after thief

    I agree with Souggy's points. A lot of companies do have this policy in place. Very few jobs are worth risking one's life combating an armed individual. The exceptions being law enforcement, military, etc.
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    Phone with hearingt aids

    Yeah, it varies. For me, I have crappy hearing, but I could use the phone if I really concentrated enough. Of course, depending on the accents involved, I either cannot understand at all, or my brain turns into mush by the end of the day from concentrating so much. Ever since switching to use...
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    MSD opens state-of-the-art elementary school

    I remember going to MSD as a kid. The semi-circle approach was used way back then as well. Worked well, from what I remember. Ah, memories. Thank you for sharing the news, it was an interesting read.
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    AUSLAN Teaching - Jacob teaches you all

    If you could make the videos less blurry, that'd be aces. Your new camera that you used for the last video feed works sooo much better. It'd definitely be fun to learn new things.
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    Headphones and hearing aid(s) and cochlear implant(s)

    When I use headphones (I'm including the phone headset), I put it on top of my hearing aids. I usually go all day (more than 8 hours) with that. I don't wear headphones without hearing aids. There's no benefits to as I can't hear squat from the headphones at a safe volume without hearing aids.
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    Info on STEM CELLS from scientific source

    Sorry, I can't agree to that position just yet. If you had said "may" instead of "will", then I'd be more inclined to agree with that position. It would be great if it does, but until we understand more and have more clinical trial results and write ups on stem cell restoring hearing, we can't...
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    If someone can be aided to 15db with HAs, why consider CI?

    Yes, that's true. Hearing sounds is way different from understanding sounds. Amplification isn't everything. Sometimes too much amplification becomes just noise, and turning down the volume helps. If life was easy enough to just amplify things to 10dB loss up from 70-80 dB loss (we'll assume a...
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    Have great HA but being pressured to get CI… very apprehensive

    To bring this thread back on track, the above section that sr171soars stated is right on the mark of what ToDoOrDoNot (Shane) should understand and determine for himself. What he's been asking was whether or not a CI is right for him, or his speech perception skills could be trained to be...
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    Have great HA but being pressured to get CI… very apprehensive

    It was back in the early 80s, prior to school. My hearing has always been awful.
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    Have great HA but being pressured to get CI… very apprehensive

    Shane, it sounds like you've already done your initial research and made your decision on it. Which that you hear a lot with your HA's (though, speech perception is iffy), you're comfortable with them, and that you enjoy what you hear. And that you did not want to risk anything. I suppose the...
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    Hearing Aids covered by state?? (TX)

    I believe you need at least 50 postings on AllDeaf before you are able to send or receive PM's. It is part of an anti-spam measure. At this time, it appears you only have 19 postings.
  16. W

    My damaged car (accident)

    Sad... but sorta true. In Colorado, I was fine with my Honda Civic coupe. Then, I moved to Texas where it seems like everyone has a giant car. I began getting cut off, nearly sideswiped by a truck merging in (who couldn't see me very well, according to them). My Honda Civic car horn got...
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    How old were you the first time....

    I'm still wearing beige :ugh:
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    Stem close or not close?

    Yep, there's stem cell hype as The Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread(TM). Realistically, it's a ways off. It'll get here when it gets here. And when it gets here, then we'll really understand where it'll be of value. Til then, enjoy life. :)
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    VRS software for Linux?

    With the upcoming November FCC deadline ( Deadline for VRS and IP Relay Users to Obtain Ten-Digit Numbers Delayed Until November 12, 2009 ), does anyone know about any VRS software that would run on Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, etc)? Or are Linux users out of luck and would need to boot up into...