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  1. SkullChick

    Baby's Gender

    Have you picked few names you and your husband like so far for baby boy? And are you excited for baby shower? They're always fun! And soooo many gifts!
  2. SkullChick

    Another thread about...

    If that doesn't go well, try oticon sumo its very reliable hearing aid
  3. SkullChick


    Haha they'll get mad and lay down like they're dead if you put snuggie on cat
  4. SkullChick

    Your favorite Italian Dish?

    Omg you're crazy its the reason I love manicotti (all the cheese! Eek ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan is my fave cheese)
  5. SkullChick


    You know Snuggie? Its blanket with sleeves you see in commerical all the time, next thing I noticed while back is they came out with more print/color, then kid sized and guess what I saw few days ago in drugstore? Snuggie for DOG! I almost lost it right there why in the blue hell would a dog...
  6. SkullChick

    How can I rid of Gnats in my house???

    Keep sink empty and put out bowl with fruit drink, soap and sugar leave it for couple days or a week then they'll go away (no safe food for bugs to eat)
  7. SkullChick

    What if the audiologist incorrectly hears you repeat speech?

    Oh for &^%$ sake, seriously? That's just perfect example of paranoid thinking
  8. SkullChick

    I have some questions after reading this CI blog.

    Overthepond is right, I'm one of people that can not lipread if my life depends on it lol. I've tried, I even took lipreading therapy for few months but I failed it so they ended the therapy, and ironic part is that when I got my CI it helped me lipread so much better that its 80% correct with...
  9. SkullChick


    I changed my mind about my mom's afghan, its going to be dark red and light purple squares like checkerboard pattern, so far I finished 37 of 5x5" squares of dark red, 17 left to go for dark red one, then 54 squares of light purple. I'm aiming to finish doing all squares before thanksgiving (10...
  10. SkullChick

    I have some questions after reading this CI blog.

    DeafDude you should really listen to her, this one used to be hearing. She'd know, unlike you
  11. SkullChick

    lost more hearing...

    WOW! Your hearing took nosedive big time since you started losing hearing isn't it crazy to think "I'm deaf"? Did you get score on speech comprehension test yet to see if you're scoring less than 60%? It won't be that long until you will need ci I'll bet end of 2010 you'll need one scary!
  12. SkullChick

    10 Unbreakable Guinness Records

    im hoping to live long enough to beat the oldest person with baby tooth record (one of my molar is baby tooth and dont have permament one under itand im almost 22) :-p
  13. SkullChick

    Canker sores

    <-------- chronic sufferer with canker sore, in fact im having one right now. I used to use Kanka its brown liquid that taste like peppermint it numb the sore very well but if your tongue or other part of mouth touch the site it get numb too lol it also coat the sore with white film. Im also...
  14. SkullChick

    Anyone else have parents that were pessimistic about CI?

    dont listen to your parents, my parents was against CI all my life so when i moved east and being indepedent i went to CI center, got CI and told them how well im doing and now they're not against it and happy for me so. they even took me out of school provided speech therapy (free!) because...
  15. SkullChick

    NO stem-cell discussion, HA and CI only

    Cdmegger I hope that all worked out for the best! If you get approved what is your expectation of the outcome with CI in Hopefully no eye or facial twitching like amanda (blog about teen girl on deafvillage by her stepmom) because she had never heard a sound prior to CI.
  16. SkullChick

    NO stem-cell discussion, HA and CI only

    Yeah but its not that easy of a decision because closest CI center for adult is in baltimore, MD and that's 2 hours drive lol. My surgeon and audi is only one that work with adult in whole delaware state. But if they won't cooperate then ofc I will go to baltimore
  17. SkullChick

    NO stem-cell discussion, HA and CI only

    I think so but it varies really sometime surgeon doesn't do assesment based on first ci evaluation saying both ear shown to have severe-profound loss and candidate sometimes not so I don't really know
  18. SkullChick

    NO stem-cell discussion, HA and CI only

    Can you provide link saying those things? No its not like hearing 24/7 its like life on really low volume on tv I don't hear anyone talking but I can hear if someone's yelling, lawn mower, fire alarm, any sound louder than 50 db. Yeah I'm not thrilled about square shaped but I'd rather that...
  19. SkullChick

    lost more hearing...

    Yeah me too I liked cochlear corp design better (freedom) and having choice of color pink helped a lot haha and it was most reliable and most electrodes that won me over as well. But now with nucleus 5 skinny processor and pretty snap-on covers I'm solddddddd haha if I get upgrade I can't...