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  1. xunixan


    *recalls my 486 duct taped together running FreeBSD 4x.. make buildworld only took 4 days lol* ubuntu is great, it's made linux become so easy anyone can use it as their O/S.
  2. xunixan

    Looking into CI

    Hey, BP, yes that's exactly what I mean! I definitely am able to still recognize and appreciate music still, something like the Star Wars theme still sounds great to me! I think when I get my second CI activated, hearing in stereo will make all that more of a difference :)
  3. xunixan

    New York City aims to ban cigarette sales to under 21s

    Canada has done just that.. Packs went up from $5.xx to $10-$12, all taxes. nothing new, just a happier government and poorer citizens
  4. xunixan

    Gmail down for hours!

    gmail has backups upon backups with geo redirection. if you see it down, it is more than likely an isp route issue on your end. this is google after all :p
  5. xunixan

    Looking into CI

    CI won't be anything like a hearing aid, no where near the same in sound quality when it comes from music if you're already used to hearing music through hearing aids, think of this as music with too much tone and not enough bass imo. that said, if you are deaf it is way better than nothing!
  6. xunixan

    Goin bilateral!

    awesome, my 2nd activation is next week!
  7. xunixan

    'Major terrorist' plot broken up by Canadian and U.S. authorities

    wow that's good to hear, nice to see a positive ending to this one.
  8. xunixan

    Any Doctor Who Fans?

    haven't been following dr who lately, but i like torchwood
  9. xunixan

    Windows 7 or Windows 8 for new HP notebook

    just walk away from this windows madness and grab yourself a macbook pro.
  10. xunixan

    Deaf and Depressed in Alaska

    I too lost my hearing suddenly a year ago, now everyone assumes I'm ignoring them and listening to an iPod or something as I currently have one Neptune CI with a white cover and white cord that looks similar to the iPod/iPhone earbuds! When I tell them I'm deaf the reaction is always shock but...
  11. xunixan

    Adobe Illustrator Help!

    Illustrator can be complex at first but you'll get the hang of it quickly. As others said, it's best to watch a video or follow a tutorial as there are several steps to do. You could also design the site in PSD and slice n dice that into css/html too!
  12. xunixan

    North Korea readying rockets to aim at U.S. targets, state media says

    there's always got to be at least one country threatening to blow everyone up! :p
  13. xunixan

    Anyone a little bored here tonight?

    watching the middle, modern family, and survivor. wed's eve makes me a tv whore :) i'd blame winter hibernation for your 3 inches but I see you're in florida and have no idea if there is any snow/winter there!
  14. xunixan

    Apple Picking: How The iPhone Became An Object Worth Killing For

    i've had my second iphone stolen from me on the street. I was walking from the train and two guys literally jumped me, ripped the phone out of my hands, cut up my arm, and took off. hopefully karma will follow up with those douches. I had no CI at the time and was completely deaf which did not...
  15. xunixan

    just had 2nd CI done - Naida AB

    I'm told I'll be getting it this summer, exciting hey! Keep us posted on when you get yours :) My AB rep mentioned that I should expect up to a 55% improvement in hearing in noisy environments with the new UltraZoom Phonak tech.
  16. xunixan

    CI and time off work?

    it took me about a week to go back to work last time, and they advised two weeks of no heavy physical activity. if there's any work you can do from home that would be ideal. i was able to use the computer and get some work done after the first couple days. it's not too bad, and if you could...
  17. xunixan

    Which CI?

    if you're happy with your nucleus, stick with it and get another. that way you can swap cords and accessories too. since the nucleus 6 is coming out so soon you may get a free upgrade to that even if you did get the 5 right away. if you're looking to try something different, AB's newNaida...
  18. xunixan

    Have you ever tried to wear CI or HA when you are sleeping in bed?

    no, that's one plus of being deaf - a quiet sleep! ironically, since becoming deaf I do find myself more sensitive to light. so if someone comes in the room / opens the door I'm usually aware and notice the light increase.
  19. xunixan

    just had 2nd CI done - Naida AB

    Hey all, well I just got my left (second) ear done with Advanced Bionic's, lined up for the Naida cochlear implant processor! Still in a lot of pain right now, getting some tinnitus, pain and dizzyness issues, but each day is getting better. Can't wait for activation, should be interesting to...