Search results

  1. MintyOreo

    Awsome and positive hearing people stories

    I didn't realize that this was out of the ordinary... The pastors at my church make very detailed outlines of basically the entire sermon and all of the Bible verses every Sunday. (The outlines are printed off and given out with the church bulletins, for everyone.) The outlines are so detailed...
  2. MintyOreo

    Colored Hearing aids and EARMOLDS? AGE

    Audi-woes. I get it - my audi's a moron, too. :roll: Were your earmolds colored? As far as I know, sometimes the coloring can cause an allergic reaction in some people, or the kind of material that the earmold is made out of. What kind of material were your earmolds made of? They DO make...
  3. MintyOreo

    Don't feed the Trolls

    Awesome! This should do the trick! :laugh2:
  4. MintyOreo

    Don't feed the Trolls

    Write all of your posts in a specific color, and wear special glasses that will block out that color - therefore not allowing you to see your own posts! :giggle: Or post in invisible ink! :lol:
  5. MintyOreo

    Cats Sleeping in Awkward Positions! Cute!

    :rofl: Made my day :)
  6. MintyOreo

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    As far as I'm concerned, being a stay-at-home mom IS a full-time job! (My mother jokes that she has two full-time jobs - one to look after my brother and I, and the other to take care of my father!) *bows down in the presence of all of the stay-at-home moms out there* I totally respect :)
  7. MintyOreo

    My Deaf little cutie

    She's such a cutie! :)
  8. MintyOreo

    Always be a winner!!!!:p

    Kk, awesome to know :fruit:
  9. MintyOreo

    20 Dogs & Cats Hugging....

    D'aww! I love it! :) Number 2 is my favorite!
  10. MintyOreo

    Tell Your Friends About AllDeaf on Facebook, Win an iPad 3

    Just use this link... (BTW, I'm not in. I don't have a FB... I was just trying to help with the giant picture problem.)
  11. MintyOreo

    Tell Your Friends About AllDeaf on Facebook, Win an iPad 3

    Sorry. I just did. I tried to do it the first time, but it didn't work, haha :)
  12. MintyOreo

    Tell Your Friends About AllDeaf on Facebook, Win an iPad 3

    You can click on QUOTE on my post, and copy and paste the link into your post, instead of using your giant image. EDIT: See my below post for the pic.
  13. MintyOreo

    Tell Your Friends About AllDeaf on Facebook, Win an iPad 3

    If the image is saved to your computer, you can use this: Free Online Picture Resizer - Crop and Resize photos, images, or pictures online for FREE! That's what I use, and it works like a charm.
  14. MintyOreo

    How do you view yourself as a deaf?

    Hey... what are you doing outside of the ant farm?!? Get back under the microscope NOW! :lol: Just kidding :)
  15. MintyOreo

    How do you view yourself as a deaf?

    NOT as a useless person to society! I wouldn't really say that I'm "equal" to hearing people, per se. But, I'm certainly NOT inferior. I'm not saying that I'm not superior, though. :giggle: (Just kidding 'bout that, btw. I don't think that I'm superior to most anyone.) Seriously, I view...
  16. MintyOreo

    How many pets do you have?

    I have 4 bunnies! :) Well, 5, actually, but one of them doesn't live with me.
  17. MintyOreo

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Good luck!!! :hug: :)
  18. MintyOreo


    I'd go with Virgin Mobile myself, but I pay for my own phone and minutes/plan, and I don't have a whole lot of money... so for now, I'm stuck with the Tracfone. It eats up A LOT of minutes, though, because I text quite a lot...
  19. MintyOreo


    I'm familiar with Tracfone. I don't have that specific model of phone. Mine is a Samsung. I only text and occasionally e-mail with my phone. However, I might be able to show you how to send a text message to an e-mail address. What I do is this: I type my message as a regular SMS text...
  20. MintyOreo

    Beware latest scam from!!!!!

    It was Jack. The guys always roll down the hill first! :lol: