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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Point Break with Patrick Swayze who was in....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    The Champ with Jon Voight who was in....
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Sorry IslandGal, Botti was first. :) "George Washington Slept Here" with Jack Benny who was in ....
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    Hey Phillips!!

    Hope you had a wonderful day, Phillips! :)
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    AllDeaf Movie Game

    Jake, incorrect person's name ... should be Sophia Loren who starred as Lucia Curcio so ... "It Started in Naples" with Sophia Loren who was in .... "Houseboat" with Cary Grant who was in ...
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    Sumthing special about a red head member!

    Have a wonderful day! :)
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    Hello Everyone

    Hello and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will stay around and enjoy this interesting forum. :)
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    How do they react when you told hearie person that you're Ddeaf/Hhoh?

    Perfect analogy, Anij! At the same time, I can just about read their minds that they would simply like to walk away from us, rather than dealing with us.
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    Boy Banned From Pitching Cuz He's "Too Good"

    True! ... sign him up!
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    Please Pray For My Grandson

    Modern medical science is remarkable nowadays so I'm sure Noah will be in good hands.
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    some hearing people still thinks....

    Bebo is a female, Hermes ... :)
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    some hearing people still thinks....

    Good one, Botti! :thumb:
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    Please allow me to introduce myself

    Hello and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will stay around with us and enjoy this fun site. :)
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    Please Pray For My Grandson

    I'm so sorry to hear that, do hope he will be ok. :hug:
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    Hey All

    Hi and :welcome: to AD! Do hope you will enjoy this fun site. :)
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    Outcome of that job interview I went to few weeks ago..

    Miss D's new job - :D
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    Hey Pepsi ....

    ^^ Pepsibird? don't give her ideas! :lol: Enjoyed your ever-changing avatars especially this present one. :)
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    The Word "Exciting"

    Me, too. Very true.
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    so uhh..

    Hello and :welcome: to AD! Hope to see you around on this fun site and enjoy. :)