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  1. Dark-Half

    Immigration and Green Card.

    I honestly think immigration is the least of our current worries. Global warming should be primary if it's as serious as people claim. Frankly there is a lot flawed with the government systems and we could do so much better -- unfortunately people aren't educated and simply don't really notice...
  2. Dark-Half

    College foot bath provokes response

    Does it really matter? I don't see what the problem is. non-muslims would find benefit from foot baths in some scenarios as well. Soaking your feet can be relaxing and generally better for your health. I don't practice it but I fail to see why you're so angry about it.
  3. Dark-Half

    Judge order Paris Hilton to court!

    I hope she becomes someones bitch ^_^ well.. because it'd be funny "ohhh what a pretty little girl you are... go in the corner and bend over!!!"
  4. Dark-Half

    do you feel sorry for Paris?

    I feel indifferent. Don't really care about celebs. There's people out there who have real life problems compared to hers. Apparently she doesn't take life seriously from what I can see.
  5. Dark-Half

    Drugs and relationships.

    I just dumped my gf of 8 months because she lied and can't resist taking e. She promised me it was a 1 time only thing and because she was really stressed. I tried to be tolerant of it, the next day I find her wired to more drugs (claiming its after-effects of E, whereas E doesn't have...
  6. Dark-Half

    why can't people have ordinary sex?

    I like things saucy, oh baby! y hello thar buttseckz!!!
  7. Dark-Half

    Activation appt cancelled. . .

    Tinnitus isn't bad. I get it alot, infact it's going off right now and I didn't even notice. Learn to treat it as a background noise. When your CI is on you'll be getting a lot of background noise. ^.^
  8. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    I've been staying with my parents, my grandparents are visting and they were there as well. I know how importiant the food/fluid thing is -- thanks for caring y'all :P I'm quite well right now. Just need it to heal up and I'm good n'
  9. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    Vincodin is what they gave me. 2 pills after surgery. I got a whole bottle that I'm refusing to take. It upsets my stomach so bad, screw pain killers. I can ride it out. edit- thanks. I'm feelin a little better TBH. Feeling is coming back to my ear!
  10. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    its off now. I can handle the pain pretty well without meds, just the vomiting ..ugh.... and the blood in my guts im almost postive is from not eating for awhile+harsh painkillers. No i didn't take anti-puke thingies xD I wanted to get out asap lols. You know, the doctors were pretty cool. ^.^
  11. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    It's the anmesthesia. It's a CI, advanced bionics, left side. 13 stitches and i can manage to keep food down. No ringing, numbness at top of ear, I refuse to touch pain meds now. edit; people said the hard part was IV. I beg to differ. Coming off the drugs is the worst part. Vincodine wasn't as...
  12. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    I can keep food down now and it wasn't that much blood... I think it seeped backwards from my nose down my throat, that or the tube nicked my throat a bit.... I dunno.
  13. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    Ah... thats the effects of drugs and weakness... I've been puking blood a couple times and it's hard to keep food down. I don't have an apptite except until every time after I vomit. I just woke up again. This is awful, I feel like a cancer pantient, only less worse I'd imagine. Edit- I'm...
  14. Dark-Half

    bleeeeeeehhhh x.x

    i havent ate or drank in 20 hours anx puked red like 6 times already and got a nosebleed are these thintd normal ? im tryin to ezt/drink but ugh.... feel terrible.....
  15. Dark-Half

    Dating Cycle

    In my case I'm pretty much what cheri claims EXCEPT the last part. I'm always the same its just sometimes the chicks get bored and want 'shiny new' and dump me :P dating 16-20-ish =most likely never going to last. 21-23=possibly serious 25+ almost always serious unless they're a bleedin swinger.
  16. Dark-Half

    Immigration and Green Card.

    Americans consider english to be the primary language of the country.
  17. Dark-Half

    Dating Cycle

    Perfect is a relative term. My gf thinks I'm perfect, but I'm flawed to hell. I have my moments when I'm a great guy, but also well yeah. I'm human, really!
  18. Dark-Half


    >_> Oi... You chicks are weird.
  19. Dark-Half

    Women don't want men? Ha!

    I think it's funny. My thoughts; indifferent. If chicks wanna live alone, let em. If they're not truly happy and just do it for whatever reason I laugh, frankly I don't care. Theres plenty of other women who DO want to date/etc. I'll leave them to their 50 buck rabbit vibrators and cats named muffy.
  20. Dark-Half

    Immigration and Green Card.

    Haha, I was more mocking the notion of people doing that than actually suggesting it. Hm, green card. If I have a bussiness card made green and draw on it with a black crayon saying "green card" do ya think anyone would be convinced? I mean it is a green card after all? Hehe :D