Search results

  1. bbaseballboy123

    Personal Audio Cable needed (N5)

    I had thought of having some made mass production because honestly, theyre easy to make besides the end of the wire that ONLY COCHLEAR makes. Its just a wire... thats it.
  2. bbaseballboy123

    look what I made! ^^^ link cause the picture doesnt show for non computer smart people. looks cool. Question: why do you have a clip for a hearing aid? I mean the ear mold should keep the hearing...
  3. bbaseballboy123

    CI comments to share with my students?

    1. lets see, I was born profoundly deaf and implanted at age of two. Because of the education i have received (deaf education - oralism method), I would implant my kids (if they were to come to the world deaf). I am glad I was implanted. 2. I did choose to get my left side implanted at age 15...
  4. bbaseballboy123

    Best headphones for mp3/ipod players?

    I am assuming you will be wearing these in public because you say ipods. But I will share both public and private use. Keep in mind, I am recommending headphones that are in a realistic affordable range. For headphones (public use): HT-21 Headphone For In the ear phones: Denon 551 or RE2s...
  5. bbaseballboy123

    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    gotta bang pots behind him without him knowing to see if he response to that lol this is true. I was the first 10 kids ever to get implanted at the age of 2. They had me under a year trial of hearing aids to make sure I was profoundly deaf. Parents banged pans all the time, never responded to them
  6. bbaseballboy123

    Question: Your computer monitor size

    22in and 23in dual set up
  7. bbaseballboy123

    International Deaf Gaming Community (

    dota 2 someday?? :) I play css a lot under "the deaf kid" on steam.
  8. bbaseballboy123

    Will a cochlear implant work for...

    Well you know he is deaf and thats that. Now, its up for you to decide what you would want for his future.
  9. bbaseballboy123


    I use the rechargeable batteries all the time, but sometimes I forget to recharge them so i use the disposable batteries, and they actually last me 3 days!
  10. bbaseballboy123

    How can I get CI?

    Correct, same with the cochlear's n5. Its programmed to only work with the internal that is in your head
  11. bbaseballboy123

    HA or CI Phone

    Do you talk even when the processor is off? I talk very normal even when the processor is off so I am able to use t-coil without try to "over-sound" my voice to hear myself.
  12. bbaseballboy123

    Model of CI?

    Well I know that my surgeon that did my last surgery is not doing AB anymore because of their recalls in the past and told me that many other surgeons are now on contracts with Cochlear instead. This was a year half ago, maybe more surgeons have opened to the AB after they fixed the recall.
  13. bbaseballboy123

    How can I get CI?

    I do remember that the last generation of processors from AB, you were able to switch with other deaf peers lol. My friends BTE was soooo loud and mine as he told me, was sooo quiet. :giggle:
  14. bbaseballboy123

    How can I get CI?

    A new CI is a new implant. I think you are referring to processor. Just go see an audiologist because they have tools that test the internal to see if it works 100%. If the internal doesn't work, then you'll be likely to get a new implant (if you want that), if the internal is working, all you...
  15. bbaseballboy123

    Model of CI?

    Its not just the audiologist, but usually, audiologist team up with surgeon and many surgeons dont do AB anymore (they make contracts with the companies). Good luck! I cant wait to hear about your journey of getting one!
  16. bbaseballboy123

    Model of CI?

    I'm gonna have to agree that AB sounds better than cochlear, but I think its all because of the mics on each processor (n5 and harmony)
  17. bbaseballboy123

    HA or CI Phone

    dang, thats a high rate of people that cant hear on the phone with implant. I know 3 implant users that are friends of mine use the phone. All my within my age group and all had the same amount of years implanted (one of them just a few years).
  18. bbaseballboy123

    HA or CI Phone

    phone user, perfer text but can use phone. Sometimes if i am driving or in a noisy area, i turn on the t-coil.
  19. bbaseballboy123

    letter to my state legislature on the DCBR act

    I doubt CT has any regional programs for the deaf besides Weathersfield. The main reason why the scores are so low for the deaf is because the educators are not highly qualified. As someone like me, I passed the test very easy, and that's probably because I got a high qualified teacher for the...
  20. bbaseballboy123

    How can I get CI?

    oh didnt know that, weird too cause i had mine for 13 years before it broke. (AB)