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  1. H

    How much better with CI over Aids

    I disagree..with the features on the Naida, the sound is much more crisp, clear and "normal". The Neptune is fine and I use it quite often, but it's not as good as the Naida...and they are both better than the Harmony based on other people's experience with both.
  2. H

    How much better with CI over Aids

    Well, I guess this is just another reason I am SO glad I don't have socialized medicine. First, I'm bilateral, not an option for you as I understand it. Second, I have newer implants and better equipment, so that does matter. I have a Naida and Neptune and while they are both new, there are...
  3. H

    How much better with CI over Aids

    That is not true at all. The base requirement for CI qualifications is 50% or less aided speech recognition scores. My speech scores were in the 27-30% range with my HA's, the are now in the 90+% range with my CI's. Most people I know, especially those late deafened like myself, need no...
  4. H

    Surgery tomorrow!!

  5. H

    Hearing aids are useless

    If you qualify for CI's, insurance covers them, including Medicare and Medicaid. Depending on your clinic, you get 2 processors for each ear so, if you go with Advanced Bionics, you can get a Neptune which is waterproof and great for sports along with a Naida for every day. Rehab will depend...
  6. H

    Hearing aids are useless

    Look into Cochlear Implants....
  7. H

    Surgery tomorrow!!

    The plastic will be more than adequate to protect the skin in this application. I've worked with athletes for over 30 years icing injuries, etc. and have NEVER had an issue with that. Just don't wet the outside of the bag and freeze it and you will be just fine.
  8. H

    Problems with Advanced Bionics Naida CI

    I've had my Naidas for almost a year with no ill effects. I'm wondering why, those with a lifestyle that includes so much water-boating, working out, etc.--would not get a Neptune back up to use in wet situations? I use my Neptune when I am around water or when I work out since it is waterproof.
  9. H

    Hearing aids are useless

    Your hearing gets to the point where HA's just don't work any more or don't work well. I tried several brands before I moved to cochlear implants and they all ended up being about the same...some had more bells and whistles that helped in certain situations but for the most part, they just...
  10. H

    Surgery tomorrow!!

    WOW, quick activation!!! I would make sure you are doing a lot of icing to get that swelling down or you may have issues with your headpiece not holding and they will have to delay your activation. Sleep in a recliner or at least propped up on a lot of pillows so you are mostly sitting up...
  11. H

    I have decided on Starkey 3 Series, still deciding between the i70,90&110 HELP!

    I agree-I would try for the BTE...and probably not Starkey. I had them, they aren't that great.
  12. H

    Dance and CI?

    Try lifting a heavy box and concentrate on what it feels like in your head...
  13. H

    Frustrated with my audiologist

    Yes, they are, their degree is a Doctor of Audiology....
  14. H

    Frustrated with my audiologist

    Audiologists are doctors...
  15. H

    Frustrated with my audiologist

    Go to a different audiologist? Try the digitals--they have improved quite a bit since 2008
  16. H

    Digital aids need repair too often

    To each his own but the audiologists at Costco are AudD's....
  17. H

    Digital aids need repair too often

    The HA's are rebranded Phonak Naida Q's sold by licensed audiologist..why would it make you queasy?
  18. H

    Digital aids need repair too often

    Costco sells HA's for MUCH less than what you can get at most clinics. Two Phonacs cost less than one from my old clinic!! Not sure how much you are paying in repairs but those add up too.
  19. H


    I guess I disagree with wanting to keep your natural hearing--sure it's nice if it happens but as someone that had quite a bit of residual hearing and almost normal hearing in the low frequencies, what I've gained from the CI's far outstrips the need for preserving residual hearing. Technically...
  20. H


    I think you will find that you are will still be seen as an implantable device and covered like a CI would be, at least in the US--not sure about other counties.