I wonder if her folks are looking to adopt? :lol: That aside, regardless of how she came into home ownership, her friends should put their negativity aside and celebrate her good fortune. Unfortunately, this is a good example of the need for discretion. Friendship and personal finances are...
I'm still waiting for a TJ's in my area. I only get to frequent the Hadley, MA location every few months as unfortunately it's a 2 hour drive one way. I'd go for my weekly staples if one was within a half hour radius of home.
I love candles but most scents trigger my allergies or cause headaches so I usually gravitate toward vanilla/baked goods scents. I'm obsessed with the lume luxe line Target offered briefly in the Tuscany scent as well as Home Interior's hot cinnamon bun scent, mmm.
My personal favorites are Olive Garden, Macaroni Grill, and Houlihan's. Also, if you're ever in the Rye, NH area, stop in at Petey's Summertime Seafood & Bar, it's a local gem.
Unfortunately even though you've experienced some life changing events very recently, it sounds as if this next change is necessary. You've just gone through a very trying time and depression is a natural response. His verbal and emotional abuse will only take a toll on you. I personally...
Alldeaf really isn't a dating website so usually those looking for love look elsewhere, but keep on posting and forming friendships with people on alldeaf, something just may come of it.
Here's a shot of my only tattoo at the moment. I've always idealized cherry blossoms. I was unable to find a template satisfactory for my foot, so my fiance custom designed this for me; it has even more meaning to me as I've now got a piece of his artwork on my body.
Did your coqui tattoo need to be touched up? I just got my first tattoo in April, which was also on my foot. It healed well but needed to be touched up a few weeks later. Just wondering if your experience was the same.
I was placed in a speaking/signing environment at the age of 18 months but it became apparent I preferred speaking over signing. After second grade, I left that program and from that point on was the only deaf kid in my school. I was fortunate enough to have an interpreter but I didn't ever...