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  1. Saline Eyes

    T-Mobile G1

    Update... This time with a better outcome thankfully: I decided to try calling T-Mobile one more time and have just discovered that I have the option of paying $39.99 per month for their total internet package! This doesn't include text messages, but you have the option of paying $5 extra for...
  2. Saline Eyes

    T-Mobile G1

    I spoke with a rep on the phone the other night and they're still requiring deaf consumers to purchase a phone plan in addition to one of the two data plans available for the G1. It's unfortunate as I've been a customer for nearly 6 years now and this experience has left a sour taste in my...
  3. Saline Eyes

    Kurtis and Brenda...

    It's a touching story but some of the facts are incorrect. Snopes has addressed this, here's the link for anyone that might be interested. Kurt Warner Tale
  4. Saline Eyes

    Do your cat chew electricial wire, cords, or anything?

    One of my cats likes to chew on plastic bags, live and artificial plants, the needles on my artificial christmas tree, and q-tips. The entire place has to be immaculate or else he'll get his fangs on it. I once found my cat walking around with an unidentified object poking out of his rear...
  5. Saline Eyes

    ATTN: Old AD Members...

    March of 03. Looks like I average 60ish posts annually! :giggle:
  6. Saline Eyes

    Warning facebook

    Unwise, perhaps, but not her fault. Unfortunately in this world today we do have to exercise caution, but blame for a violent crime should be placed upon the offender, not the victim. After all, it's not likely the would be rapist divulged their plans to violate the female prior to their...
  7. Saline Eyes

    My favorite Jack Russell dog passed away

    I'm very sorry to hear about your dog.
  8. Saline Eyes

    A Newborn Baby Found at a landfill

    This is why there are "suitable locations" for people to leave their newborns, no questions asked. I wish people would utilize these resources rather than cruelly ending innocent lives.
  9. Saline Eyes

    My 9 month old BT (Boston Terrier)...

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. She looks like she was a joy for the short time you had her.
  10. Saline Eyes

    Who is Hung Over??

    That's quite a situation! I'm glad both of you are safe and the police were able to apprehend the aggressor. Unbelievable how far some people are willing to let their road rage take them.
  11. Saline Eyes

    Alexander Lee ^^, my son

    What a cutie! He looks like a happy baby.
  12. Saline Eyes

    Switching Implant Processors to Espirit 3G - Advice please

    I recently made the switch from the 3G to the freedom. I'm a creature of habit and was comfortable with the 3G so the freedom took some getting adjusted to. Basically time and perseverance are key. It is true that you have to give yourself time to become accustomed to the new processor, but...
  13. Saline Eyes

    Graduation, here I come!

    Congratulations on your achievement!
  14. Saline Eyes

    Main page disappeared?

    I'm unable to see the link you're referring to?
  15. Saline Eyes

    Christmas Tree Pictures

    Here's a shot of mine, sorry for the odd angle.
  16. Saline Eyes

    Our son's art works

    He's pretty talented!
  17. Saline Eyes

    Turkey Leftovers

    We make creamed turkey. It freezes well and goes nicely on rice on a cold winter night.
  18. Saline Eyes

    What kind of wedding did you have(or are you going to have)?

    We're doing an elopement package with perhaps 20 witnesses present, max. The entire affair'll take an hour and a half, complete with cake and some champagne. After that I reckon we'll go to the olive garden or another italia style restaurant and enjoy some good food and company. It'll be...
  19. Saline Eyes

    Obama's Promise....

    Personally, I'd choose a shih tzu.
  20. Saline Eyes

    HELP PLEAZE I have a problem with a maybe deaf neighbor...

    Just a bit of clarification... I think diehardbiker was referring to some ignorant people he's met who are of the opinion that we shouldn't be permitted to drive. We absolutely are able to obtain drivers licenses just like everyone else.