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  1. Saline Eyes

    AOL Users

    Cheri, since you're signing up for roadrunner, you're entitled to keep aol for free. This is something they essentially only tell you when you call to cancel your account. Happened to me, and I was so peeved they'd been charging me for aol all this time I said I still didn't want aol at all...
  2. Saline Eyes

    where do u want to get marry at?

    Maybe at an aquarium in front of the biggest tank you can find? That'd be kinda cool and it'd give the illusion of being in the ocean.
  3. Saline Eyes

    Hey hey I get news abt TongueOnFire (TOF/Fuzzy)

    My heart goes out to you wildfire and everyone else who knows TOF personally. I am sorry for this tragedy and wish you the strength to get though this.
  4. Saline Eyes

    Dry Dog Food

    I have talked to my vet and Purina was specifically mentioned as a good alternative to more expensive brands out there such as Iams and science diet. Do you have any links to refute your statements?
  5. Saline Eyes

    Dry Dog Food

    Flavor isn't important as long as your pet will eat the food. What is of utmost importance is that nutritional content be as high quality as possible. This is your pet's sole source of nutrients and it needs to be a well balanced diet. Anything by purina is good if you need a reasonably...
  6. Saline Eyes

    New contest idea - help me out here, will ya!?

    An X-box sounds cool, but for those of us who aren't really into gaming (some of the women on this site perhaps), would there be the opportunity to choose something of comparative value? Pre-selected by you of course.
  7. Saline Eyes

    Why it is not such good idea for kids to watch Chicken Little

    Oh lord. I suggest some of you go back to the first post and read carefully. Pronounce/sign the words to yourself as you go along if that helps.
  8. Saline Eyes

    single ladies out there????????

    Hey, congratulations oldnavygal and deafscuba! You both seem as if you'd make a great pair based on the nature of your posts on alldeaf. I wish you both the best of luck, not that you'll need it!
  9. Saline Eyes


    It's a good post regardless of how many replies you got! The more awareness there is of this sort of thing, the better. I just didn't bother to post earlier as I'm under 40 and have not yet experienced having a mammogram.
  10. Saline Eyes

    Songs you turn your hearing aids off for?

    Whitney Houston - I will always love you. Funny thing is I used to love this song when it first came out. Now it just turns my stomach.
  11. Saline Eyes

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    I was born deaf but had extensive speech therapy from an early age. I speak very well being understood is not an issue, but I have some degree of a deaf accent. Some people have no idea, others will ask me if I have a cold. I recently (within the last year) got a ci and that has helped me...
  12. Saline Eyes

    The person below me game....

    Aye! I loved Ace Ventura and a bunch of other silly movies I can't remember right now. The person below me has a passion for travelling?
  13. Saline Eyes

    1,000 posts and dedication

    Congratulations! I've been a member for god knows how long and my post count is pathetic. I'm glad you feel so comfortable on this forum. Here's to a thousand more!
  14. Saline Eyes


    How ladylike.
  15. Saline Eyes

    Ask Mayflower Anything

    How do you keep Mr. Chimp from engaging in unsavory habits such as picking at your hair looking for fleas?
  16. Saline Eyes

    4 better & 4 worse

    To get back to the thread's original issue... I firmly believe in the vows "To love, honor and cherish till death do us part." I grew up in a large family yet none of my family members have divorced, quite an oddity in these times. I absolutely believe in the sancitity of marriage, but even I...
  17. Saline Eyes

    Post a pic of your current BF/GF

    Good partners are hard to come by, but you're a cute guy, you'll find someone eventually ;)
  18. Saline Eyes

    Pics of my beautiful boys!!!

    Handsome boys you've got there.
  19. Saline Eyes

    My Anniversary 4th....

    Beautiful pictures of your family. I want your bulldogs! Looks like you had a fantastic time.
  20. Saline Eyes

    Post a pic of your current BF/GF

    You did make a cute couple. :)