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  1. sr171soars

    Hearing for the first time on CI

    Yes. That has been the case since very early on. BTW - Best of success for your daughter!
  2. sr171soars

    Hearing for the first time on CI

    When I was first turned on, it was most interesting. At the time, I didn't realize I was getting more of the higher frequency than I ever did with my HA. So, things were different. Not tinny as such (as some describe it) but different. I had the least trouble with voices and understanding...
  3. sr171soars

    Just out of curiousity...

    To answer your questions... 1) The cost factor in obtaining a CI is generally minimized by insurance for most people. I had to pay about $2k out of pocket cost that covered the implant surgery and CI processor equipment (roughly $50k all said and done back in 2005). It really depends on...
  4. sr171soars


    No, I would not. Basically, I'm doing so well with my one CI that I can't personally justify getting another one for the other side. This being especially the case given the cost factors of maintaining two set of devices. It would have to be so compelling before I do the other side. In...
  5. sr171soars

    What are high frequency sounds like?

    I agree. High frequencies provide a nice counterbalance to the lower frequencies. They can be very melodious and intense as well. I enjoy them but unfortunately, I lose them when they get too high. So, a flute is enjoyable but the piccolo gets a bit beyond the capacity of my device at...
  6. sr171soars

    The next Generation

    A CI is the same as a bionic ear. I believe they released the Harmony in 2007. So, to answer your exists now.
  7. sr171soars

    Coclear Implant and Hearing Aid Improvement Survey

    1. Are you a user of a medical device(s) for hearing impairment (cochlear implant, hearing aid, et cetera)? If so, please state/describe it/them. Cochlear Freedom on right side - Spring of 2005. Nothing on left side. 2. How often do you use this device and under what circumstances? I...
  8. sr171soars

    Cochlear implant surgery is Safe!!

    If I understood you correctly, are you asking if one could learn to lipread English if you don't know English?!? Er...That sort of answers that question...not really. In this case, you obviously need to know the language before lipreading makes any sense. Perhaps, I misunderstood your...
  9. sr171soars

    Cochlear implant surgery is Safe!!

    Interesting, I wouldn't know either... I simply picked it up myself without any training. I've always thought people just learn to do it out of necessity. I do believe it is sort of proportional to the urgency of the situation. I did it over the years with my HA but more so when...
  10. sr171soars

    Nucleus Freedom with Batteries

    Umm...I didn't have that trouble before. Interesting. It does pay to shop around.
  11. sr171soars

    Nucleus Freedom with Batteries

    To answer your first question, you can use HA 675 in a emergency but they won't last very long. HA batteries are definitely not CI batteries. As for using the 'net, I prefer to get the Zenipower batteries from Microbatteries (I believe it advertises on AD). They are the cheapest anywhere...
  12. sr171soars

    Can CI users be consider cyborgs?

    Sure. But I will venture to say most if not all CI'ers don't actually think of themselves that way. This is mainly because they are not getting all of their hearing restored to a level considered "normal" or better. It is like getting a super HA (even though the devices don't operate the same...
  13. sr171soars

    cerebral palsy and deafness

    Indeed! :whistle:
  14. sr171soars

    Do you feel lucky to have gotten your hearing aid while very young?

    Similar story here. I was outfitted with HA at three. Without that "early" start, I wouldn't have done so well with my HA over the years and now with a CI.
  15. sr171soars

    parents of toddler walk away from ci rehab

    I can believe there is no specific answer to the question. I know I used to have "engage" my brain to be in listening mode to listen to speech when I had my HA. I wouldn't always "get it" when somebody spoke to me at first especially out of the blue. I would have say "I'm sorry but I wasn't...
  16. sr171soars

    parents of toddler walk away from ci rehab

    Ummm... If I understood you, they have processing issues with sounds as it reaches the brain...correct? Another way to put it, is that the brain can tell there were "sounds" but it doesn't know how to put in "context" for the person to act on it. There is a disconnect somewhere in the...
  17. sr171soars

    Cochlear implant surgery is Safe!!

    Er...sorry. Rather we need to agree to disagree and move on. This subject has been argued for years and none the wiser all said and done. Bottomline - Each parent is responsible for the well being of their children. All of us may not agree with what some parents have done. But none of us...
  18. sr171soars

    Headphones and hearing aid(s) and cochlear implant(s)

    I just put the headset/headphones over my CI. This is strictly for my MP3 player or music off the PC especially at work. Can do that all day sometimes. Radios and TVs I just listen with my CI as it is not a problem. I don't bother with the fact I have never ever used it.
  19. sr171soars

    Degrees of hearing loss and speech scores!

    Do not kid yourself. Demonstrating braggadocio is not a great trait in anybody. Hearing people will eventually know if one is hearing or not. If you are getting 80% percent of speech, you are missing that 20% to give yourself away. Besides if you speak, your voice will definitely give you away.
  20. sr171soars

    Degrees of hearing loss and speech scores! need to stop thinking you "know everything" and start reading and listening to what people are saying. Not everybody is looking for a cure or a solution to their situation. AlleyCat simply stated that apparently a CI would probably not be in her best interest. This was predicated on...