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  1. darkangel8603

    attention for smoker

    very funny gif, i couldnt figure it out at first then i realize the joke. As for smoking, I smoke, and still do, I have smoked for like 6 years now since i was like 16, but on and off since i was 13. And it does sucks, cuz i have asthma which does not usually go with smoking cigs. oh well
  2. darkangel8603

    who wants some blood ?

  3. darkangel8603


    not necessary, some of my friends there put their first letter of their last name in the last name box instead of whole, some just two separate nickname like.... golden kitty purple dog wahtever i am just making those up lol
  4. darkangel8603

    do you feel sorry for Paris?

    HELL NO, she deserves it, what a bitch..
  5. darkangel8603

    who do you look like?

    I look like......... a jackass
  6. darkangel8603

    A working life or SSI / disability support, what is it for you?

    I am on ODSP, which is the Canadian version of SSI, and I hate it!!! I prefer to work than to get disability money. I had often brought up the topic of getting off ODSP and getting a job and going to school. Just yesterday brought it up with my mum, but my mum said I shouldn't do that, cuz I am...
  7. darkangel8603

    Guess what....

    Congrats on ur 4th... There is a high chance of having a boy cuz this year is considered as a baby boy year. My friend just had a baby boy 2 weeks ago, and her boyfriend told me when i visited the hospital that this year is baby boy year as there are many boy babies born than girls compare...
  8. darkangel8603

    What is your A/S/L ?

    Not mine... 20/f/Ontario Canada, if you were my daughter it would be a miracle. oh by the way enjoy ur 16th year
  9. darkangel8603

    Las Vegas VS Phoenix

    do u mean the order of the Phoenix? Didn't know you could live there, that would be cool. :whistle:
  10. darkangel8603

    When a Child Says No

    I didn;t read the whole thing, so if this had been said already, I apologize. I am quite surprised, I would've thought that the social worker would see that the girl does not want to be implanted, and deny the surgery for her even if her parents want to. I looked up in Toronto Hospital for...
  11. darkangel8603

    I'm a candidate!!!!

    I actually finds that I understand children better than when I wore hearing aids, when I was growing up, I could never understand young kids when they are speaking to me, I had to depend on my parents to tell me what the kids said, its sucks because I love kids, and I love babysitting, but I was...
  12. darkangel8603

    For Cloggy and Rick48

    If only deaf people are allowed on this thread, does that mean a potential forum called allhearing is only for hearing people and no deaf people can go on it? nah I don' think so. Everybody has rights to be on any forums they want, if they have a connection to deaf people or not. Some people may...
  13. darkangel8603

    I'm a candidate!!!!

    Hi, first of all congrats. I am similar to you, profound to severe deaf since birth (I don't know if you been deaf since birth or not) and have response to low frequencies and none for high frequencies. I can't remember my speech recognition or discrimination level. And in 2005 I went under...
  14. darkangel8603

    ~Deaf Rock~ it so fun! ha

    pretty cool, at first it looks like deaf bullshit but then i realize u were doing rock lol.
  15. darkangel8603

    Preganat Blonde

  16. darkangel8603

    VID: Waterbed prank in German store

    haha awesome, wish i thought of it.
  17. darkangel8603

    Sicko Man

    Sick... this reminds me of something I read at Youngest Mother Claim: The youngest mother on record was a five-year-old Peruvian girl. Status: True. Origins: Although we can see a tremendous amount of variety in the plant and animal life all around us — both within...
  18. darkangel8603

    pics of you

    me and my baby (my mom's dog)