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  1. S

    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin slashed Deaf School funding

    Thank you for your 'thanks'. Yes I saw your post for and it was part of why I started reading that site. I still think they have very small liberal bias from some of stuff I read, but overall I think that is a great site for 'debunking' the BS we see in all politics. Obama keeps...
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    Obama-McCain Debate Part I

    *shrugs* I'm still trying to figure out Obama's 95% of Americans getting a tax cut when his plan calls for letting the current tax breaks expire, and then he over taxes almost all businesses (meaning price of everything we need to buy increases).
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    What is it like to be hearing?

    Along with what others have already talked about, with being 'surrounded by sounds', if both ears are working you can tell which direction sounds are coming from. Music in stereo works on that basis to make some of the sounds come from the left and some come from the right or also to combine...
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    McCain suspends his campaign

    I agree completely. McCain and Obama are both US Senators..... their job right now is supposed to be hammering out something about this 'bailout' plan. I have been waiting for the debates for the last couple months, but I can wait a few more days for something of this magnitude. I think...
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    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin slashed Deaf School funding

    Hmm....... apparently jillio hasn't read any of the follow up posts or checked more reliable sources and instead chooses to blindly follow the lies of the liberal media.
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    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin slashed Deaf School funding

    I'll never understand why people jump to believe bullcrap like this. I hate politics and consider myself an Independent voter. I vote on the person, after learning the truths and researching and listening to both sides. I watch FoxNews, CNN, and MSNBC and a couple programs on other channels...
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    Europe, Who was there already?

    In 1998 my brother and I took a 3 week trip to Europe. After landing in Paris and spending the day hiking all over to see the sights, we caught a sleeper car on train to Munich, Germany for the last 4 days of Oktoberfest. Then visited the Neuschwanstein castle in Fussen. After that we went to...
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    software problems

    The error "application error instruction ###### reference memory #### could not be read" can be from a few different reasons, the worst possibility could be bad memory (RAM). My first question is how old is the computer and is that the original memory that was in it. Without more details of...
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    I'm gone.

    Jenni, I completely understand your frustration, but can only wish you good luck. I have long since given up trying to help people see reason and or at the least do some research for themselves. However, they just seem to take the media's word as fact. It makes no matter if the people are...
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    Port scan

    If it's just 'Closed', that means that your PC is 'visible' to the internet.... so if some hacker is trying to ping your IP Address on those ports, he will get a message that access is denied..... but then he knows there is a computer there to attack. If it's 'Secure' or 'Stealthed', that...
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    OMG! I lied

    Happy belated B-Day Dreamchaser! And as they say, you're only as old as you feel..... or is it act? Personally, I'm a young pup at 37-ish, I feel 57, but I act 17, so I dunno which way is up. I just hope you are at least as good, cause it seems like you got a good head on your shoulders.
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    Scientist to Grow Marigold on the Moon

    Many people will overlook this thread, because they're not interested, don't care, or think it's complete BS. I can only say that for those others out there that realize we need to expand beyond our planet for our race to survive, that this is just another example of an oxygen source for humans...
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    Its snowing in ARKANSAS!!

    No snow here today. You must be in NW Arkansas over by Springdale or something? We did have some rain, but temp is still above freezing so no ice. Also, for Christmas yesterday it was beautiful day with sun and about low-mid-50s. Not quite shorts weather, but still very nice. Your pics of...
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    Is It True That A Woman Shouldn’t Pursue A Man Or Initiate A Relationship Because He

    It depends..... If you dont want a man that cares about you, then don't pursue a man..... Most women get with guys who don't give a damn, because it's usually the guys that "don't give a damn" that are aggressive. The 'good guys' are usually the ones that are too shy to go up to the woman...
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    I'm BACK!!!

    *runs away screaming* hehe, j/k heya bud
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    It's Official!!!

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    I started playing EQ first day it cam out and played it for about 3 and a half years.
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    Here is some very exciting news!!!!

    Congrats and good luck!
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    In Memories of AmericanChopper

    My deepest condolences to Kalista and the rest of their families on their loss, and thank you WBHarley for informing us.
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    shame on you, smileygin!

    :birthday: Happy Birthday SmileyGin! :birthday: