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  1. Dark-Half

    No more car!

    Hey, don't knock it till you tried it! Just because you pancake a squirrel off I-95 on a road thats filthy doesn't mean it's not edible!
  2. Dark-Half

    Another I hate wal-mart thread

    I prefer to call it china-mart. Never buy a safe from china-mart. It's easy to break into and .... literally break the handle off sadly.
  3. Dark-Half

    No more car!

    I like my car. It makes road kill. Road kill makes the grass grow green! <3
  4. Dark-Half

    Mother forgot baby in car

    She's probably more worried about how to get the barbequed baby scent out of her car.
  5. Dark-Half

    man had sex with dead deer

    Sit back and crack open a cold one!
  6. Dark-Half

    Immigration and Green Card.

    Or you could just wed to an american and easy-out! Ach.. does that stuff still work I wonder.
  7. Dark-Half

    The Dog Ate my Implant

    Dogs hear things humans can't but I think its a mere coincidence.
  8. Dark-Half

    Who do you dislike U.S President?

    I've always had a certian spite for nixon and reagan, bush is following up.
  9. Dark-Half

    Jury Duty Scam

    How fun, the human race ripping off the next person that bleeds the same blood as them just to get their kicks. Thing about scams, once people start hearing about it -- not just one person will try to duplicate the scam, but many. It's like a worm in a computer that gobbles up your address book...
  10. Dark-Half

    Babysitter set to die for death of 3-month-old

    Gotta love psychotic babysitters. The world is going to hell.
  11. Dark-Half

    This is so rude :mad:

    I love it. Every fucking day I find more and more despicable humans that only refine and harden my spite for the entire human race. An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.
  12. Dark-Half

    Ahhhhh!!! I'm Gonna Die!!!

    Oh noes! They must not know!
  13. Dark-Half

    Ahhhhh!!! I'm Gonna Die!!!

    I posted back in jan or feb, weather conditions prevented me from making certian dates so it kept getting pushed back and It felt silly to keep posting dates over and over so I figured bleh. I didn't really plan on announcing the surgery date here either, but I figured it'd make for a good laugh...
  14. Dark-Half

    Ahhhhh!!! I'm Gonna Die!!!

    THEY'RE GONNA PUT ME TO SLEEP AND POKE ME IN THE HEAD WITH SHARP POINTY THINGS ON JUNE 7TH AHHHH!! On a serious note, i'm more scared of facial nerves getting damaged than anything. I'll keep yall updated. I think I'm mostly looking forward to the drugs :) Drugs make the world a happy place...
  15. Dark-Half

    Amy Fisher & Joey Buttafuoco Set Date For Love

  16. Dark-Half

    Jimmy Carter blasts George W. on his global impact

    You're shitting me, right? Not that it's implaussible to believe... but... don't they usually weed out people who are mentally incomptent before giving them the reins to rule over a country...? It's like giving a chimpanzee a revolver... in this case literally.
  17. Dark-Half


    Hum... Silly people. The conversory debate between whether you should wait and let your child choose when they're an adult or make the deciscion for them. I've seen plenty of deaf people get angry because they didn't get the choice, some actually glad. You know what, there's no perfect in this...
  18. Dark-Half

    When a Child Says No

    The best way is to threaten their favorite stuffed animal with decipation. "I will rend fluffy's head from shoulders to chin if you don't listen to me you little runt!"
  19. Dark-Half

    Pentagon tells 35,000: Prepare to deploy

    I have a question -- why do you people care so much? For the most part none of you even know 5000s of the people. People claim they care but when it comes down to it theres a single person on the street and most people just walk by. Some of you guys got family or friends over there, thus its...
  20. Dark-Half

    Most issue you're concern in political?

    Scooby doo, donde esta tu?