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  1. S

    File complaint for Video games no subtitles & more.

    Doom3 does have subtitles..... it just involves a patch that Id released a couple weeks after the game came out in stores. Also most games seem to have subs right from the box, but I do understand how it can be frustrating when a game doesnt have them. I agree the box should at least be...
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    #1 thing you must have...

    Computer! Followed by fully stocked refrigerator, and then bathroom. :whistle:
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    Very sad news for me ..... :(

    CutePommie, Im truly sorry to learn of this. I dont know what your friend has gone through, and I know you don't feel like it, but can only say that maybe it is the best for them. If they have had much pain like from long fatal illness, I think it is best for them to go to end their suffering...
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    Need to vent. Hmmm, I don't know if my post is allowed

    I've only been exposed to Deaf culture for almost 2 years now, but I do have to say that I see this way too much. I am hearing, and I see enough hearing people do it, but I think it seems to me like it happens more among Deaf. I dont know if there has been studies, or people try to figure out...
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    I got Accepted!

    Congratulations! :dance2:
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    How Often you wash your car?

    Whenever it rains :whistle: Or when there is special occasion.
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    Another day, another's the 13th!!!

    Happy Birthday Angel! :cheers: :birthday:
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    What happened to Cheri??????????????

    Happy Birthday Cheri! :cheers: :birthday:
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    wildzerica06, wildzerica06!!!!

    Happy Birthday Erica! :cheers:
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    It's My B-day....

    Well, even though I've already wished youz I'll do it again here :whistle: Happy Birthday bud, and Happy Birthday to Wildzerica06! Hope youz both have a good one. :scatter:
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    Me and Sweetheart going to be gone for the weekend....

    I hope youz have a safe and fun trip! :wave:
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    Injured Vet Sues Michael Moore For $85 Million

    Actually, it was Moore's fault. If you use footage of someone, you must have their permission, and when you use it to lie it's called fraud and defamation of character. Kudos to Damon for what he has done for this country and I wish him complete success with holding Moore accountable for...
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    Dang too hot

    It's been around 90+ degrees here in Arkansas off and on for last couple months..... If you like that, feel free to come join us..... I for one am thankful for A/C! Really, 90 degrees and 80+% humidity even makes fishing hard to sit thru... but for you sun freaks out there, it only takes...
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    The ALCU v.s. U.S. Marine Corps and Prayer......

    They are not being forced to pray. If you can't honor the creed of the Marines (Honor, God, Country), then you shouldnt join them. My father, my sister and her husband all served the US Marines proudly and all are agnostic. A belief in God does not necessarily have anything to do with...
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    Ode to the Nice Guys

    Too true :wtf:
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    The most popular baby names in the US

    Boys names seem mostly common names that I remember all the time... but the girls names I thought were mostly uncommon. My most recent niece, born 2 months ago, is named Emma, and I have another niece only a year and half old named Madison..... I thought both names were not common and were...
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    How many of us aren't sleeping well?

    My sleep has been messed up for over a year and a half..... although lately it's even worse. For last week or 2, I've had maybe 3 hours sleep each day/night, and couple days maybe so much as 10 hours. I have no schedule atm, and it seems I only sleep when I can't stay awake anymore..... and...
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    vent my feeling.....

    Fei Ku, I know how you're feeling, and it's incredible.... But, I can only suggest you try to take it easy and don't fall too much for those feelings. Take your time, and be careful. I wish youz the best, I truly do.... but you know my story. If you ever need to vent or someone to talk to...
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    this is for my handsome son!

    :birthday: Sean!
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    First Deaf NASCAR Driver !!!!!!

    Awesome! He's up to 8th. A few days ago it was still showing him at 14th. Anyways, I dunno if he's updating his site or something, but I couldnt log in, so if you're having trouble, then you can still go here to vote