I hated Chantix. It made me have suicidal thoughts after 2 weeks of taking it. I threw the rest of the pills out after that.
I quit smoking 3 years ago with no help from anything. All it is is having the willpower to not buy another pack.
Sativex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Like I said it has some effects but the whole legalize medical marijuana thing is just a stepping stone to get smoking it legal. Just look at how many people in California have prescription cards for no reason.
Hit the big dealers and importers hard
And medical Marijuana is a joke. I say that as a smoker. I know it has effects that can help medically but all it is is a way to open the door to fully legalizing it.
Legalize it all the way. If it were to be legalized it would be so cheap to buy considering how easy it is to grow. If I could put 10 plants in my back yard I would be able to grow enough so that I would never have to buy any. And that includes the winter months.
Horrible of the courts to say that. But why would they go thru the trouble of putting it on the car when all they need to do is watch the GPS on his phone. It would tell were he was as long as the battery is in. I'm sure they could have found a judge to authorize a warrant.
Almost, wreck and faulty brakes caused me to cut my time short on the trails. Everything else accomplished. Now I get to sell all my junk in the morning. Hopefully I make enough to pay for the gas for when I move.
Today I learned that I need to check every piece of equipment on my bike before I take it out on the trails. My back brake came loose and caused me to flip over my handle bars and just missed a tree by a couple inches
I will try to get out there later but first I have to wait for the cops to come to my house because my Jeep was hit last night. No big damage, just a dent that goes down the side of it.