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    Christmas Flash Mobs in Shopping Malls *Must See, Very Amazing*

    I hope that never happens to me
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    Gunman @ Florida School Meeting

    What is wrong with that woman. I know women carry a lot of crap in their purses but it isnt going to win against a gun. She really got lucky there.
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    A pepper hotter than a ghost pepper? Yes!

    Habanero peppers are my limit. Favorite way to eat them is to boil green beans, onion, ham, and the peppers. Very tasty. I use Jalapenos to spice up my ham sandwiches :D
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    Another 1 trillion dollar injection?

    Not until Jan. 3rd. The house is still controlled by Dems. until then
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    Deaf friendly cars

    They see me rollin' They hatin patrollin and tryna catch me ridin dirty Tryna catch me ridin dirty My music so loud I'm swangin They hopin' that they gone catch me ridin dirty Tryna catch me ridin dirty
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    What Are You Reading Right now?

    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Algebra. Gotta brush up for my return to college. And let me just say I hate math
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    My kid wants a tattoo for Christmas.....

    :laugh2: thats funny. Couldn't have been worse for ya than the time I was at a party about 13 or 14 years ago when a a guy I knew got one and I asked "what is that?". Then he showed me :barf:
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    My kid wants a tattoo for Christmas.....

    16 is too young. I have 5 and I am glad my mom wouldn't let me get one at that age. Now that I am older every one of the tatts I wanted at his age just seem stupid. Do you know what kind of tattoo he wants?
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    The PFH tour

    Looks like a fun drive for ya. Your stop in KY is about 2 hours south of me. Are you planning to check out the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.
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    my statement

    should be fixed now
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    my statement

    Every once in a while curiosity gets the better of me and I click one of these threads and I immediately do this
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    A Random Rant about Advertising...

    Quality, value, style, service, selection, convenience Economy, savings, performance, experience, hospitality Low rates, friendly service, name brands, easy terms Affordable prices, money-back guarantee. Free installation, free admission, free appraisal, free alterations, Free delivery...
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    A rant, if I may

    Corporate greed at its finest. Companies do things so that the profits stay the same no matter what.
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    reality tv shows

    Let me google that for you It is the first link
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    Don't be crossing here :rofl: This just made my day
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    Dream Vacation?

    Backpacking in Tsavo National Park. Hawaii for scuba diving. Amsterdam for the "Coffee Shops"
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    Beware of Internet Sellers

    Thats why I always research a site before the money comes out. It is almost impossible for a scam like this to happen if you spend 5 minutes looking at reviews. And you have to accept that some things cost money and if you find it really cheap it is most likely a scam.
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    Government trying to block cell phones in cars

    Eww. I refuse to buy any car that has OnStar in it. I don't like the idea that someone else can control my car. And how much longer till thieves start using the technologies to steal your car. That is if they haven't already been using it.
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    harbor frieght tools that don't suck

    I buy pretty much all my tools from HF. The only stuff I don't buy there are screwdriver drill bits cause they don't hold up and tend to twist real quick. For that I buy DeWalt at Lowes. Also I agree with the Pittsburgh sockets being good. I have had the same set for years and never had a...
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    Inception- Wow, this movie was very surprising to me. I thought it would be stupid but it was very well thought out. Knight And Day- I thought it was good and cheesy. Machete- "B" movie and damned good. Alba is such a tease Salt- The female "Bourne". I hope they make more of them...