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  1. Sophia26

    Meeting someone on line and having sex

    People online tend to be more judgemental regardless of a picture and whatnot. I met someone online and almost met him in person but then he freaked out.
  2. Sophia26

    The Power of the breasts

    Today, it's hot as hell in L.A. and I'm wearing a V cut purple tank top. The three "stooges" (one of them is the guy that I ask out before) as I like the to call them are circling around me like hawks. I guess they think that fat girls are too ashamed of their body to wear something like this...
  3. Sophia26

    Do you believe in Daily Horoscope ?

    I believe in horoscopes but the one I received are just crap because it doesn't apply to my life at all. What's the hell?
  4. Sophia26

    USA & God?

    Yes we are. The Bush Administration and the so-called "God Squad" has taken over. Sorry but praying isn't going to help people pay their rent.
  5. Sophia26

    Tenn. County Wants to Charge Homosexuals

    Another examples of how people need to get a life.
  6. Sophia26

    Harry Potter... An Adult?

    She should stop when he graduates from hogwarts.
  7. Sophia26

    Today is St. Patrick's Day!

    I'm definitly going to get drunk tonight after getting the bad news.
  8. Sophia26

    ATTN: Twin Blondes...

    Huh?! You both are twins?! Hell, I didn't even notice that. I need to start paying attention more.
  9. Sophia26

    Deaf Women Sterotypes

    I was just informed by a classmate that the perception of Deaf Women is that they are better in bed than Hearing Women. I was totally offended by this but then actually ponder for a moment. You mean to tell me that all the guys at my school are fantasizing about having sex with me and...
  10. Sophia26

    Interracial Relationship

    Definitely not against it. In my experiences, I've been with White and Hispanic men more than black Men. They are usually more accepting of me.
  11. Sophia26

    Lesbian Couple Spars Over Child Support Payments

    Wait, how can she not assumed that she wouldn't be financially responsible for the child if they were to break up? Parents are financially responsible for any child they bring into the world, why should this case be an exception? She was obviously involved in every decision regarding the...
  12. Sophia26

    Bus Drivers strike

    Can you tell me about the scooter? I was thinking about getting one but don't have my drivers license yet also I wonder if it would be worth it than getting a car.
  13. Sophia26

    Bus Drivers strike

    Ahh memories. LA had a bus strike in the fall and I was one of millions of working poor effected by the strike. I had to walk to and from school everyday and it sucks! LA has become such a union control town and they don't give a rat's ass about millions of people that rely on them...
  14. Sophia26

    Happy Birthday cjester

    Happy Birthday! Buy yourself something expensive!
  15. Sophia26

    have you ever got stood up by your dates?

    Never been on a date.
  16. Sophia26

    Why do fools play games?

    I'm aggressive too; like a snake, quiet but will strike when the time is right. Eh, who knows; right now I got to worry about his friend whom I almost positive that he's jealous because I haven't shown any interest in him at all. I keep asking his friends out but not him. Can I borrow that...
  17. Sophia26

    Why do fools play games?

    No, I couldn't do that to him, he's really a nice guy. Probably one of the nicest guys here at this fucked up school. I just gave him something to think about b/c I have yet to see him. Maybe he's avoiding me. Who knows.
  18. Sophia26

    Why do fools play games?

    Yes, I have thought of that but here the thing, I will say something about it. If I'm getting attention for any reason at all, I will step up and speak my mind.
  19. Sophia26

    Why do fools play games?

    I am sick and tired of making a fool of myself for guys. Case in point: For the past two weeks at school, I've notice that a guy name S* has been noticing me. I haven't been paying any attention until lately he's been showing up every place that I'm in; even his friend has been telling him if...
  20. Sophia26

    2 Jobs.

    I use to work two jobs but I had to quit one of them because they cut my hours.