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  1. BabyHornyBrat4

    you have adoption?

    OH GOD! He is being SO SILLY! He is meanie! I never want you to have the GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to be NICE! Let our daughter dating with the guy.... If the guy treats OUR DAUGHTER very well.. You dont need a gun front of HIM!!!! DOnt be scared him out of hell... LOL
  2. BabyHornyBrat4


    :welcome: to alldeaf... ENJOY ITT!!! :wave:
  3. BabyHornyBrat4

    Awww poor little girl....

    Funny... Yea, daughter is worth to have it... Daughter is very precious.. Thanks god, I have a daughter in my life...
  4. BabyHornyBrat4

    I Need Huge Advice Please!!!

    Yea, my handsome smiley husband loves me to DEATH! HE wont leave me at ALL!! He cant live without me at all.. He will always forgive me.... We have been married for over 5 years.. Yes, that's true, we are still strong with our marriage relationships.. I CANT live without him, PERIOD! He is only...
  5. BabyHornyBrat4

    Do you have a TTY?

    I dont really like TTY anymore.. I love to use VP.. It is an easy way to use the VP... True, I agree with my handsome smiley husband.. We never have a home phone but we will have one in Germany with our new house because it s for emergency or Sam's work call for him.. Who knows.. BUT I...
  6. BabyHornyBrat4

    I'm learning ASL and some about the Deaf Culture

    NAH! My handsome smiley dont know SIGN LANGUAGES! HAHAHAH! JK JK JK JK :laugh2: :laugh2: I am only the one who TAUGHT him sign languages for almost 6 years... Now, he is very good on sign languages.. He's very attractive to learn...I am very proud of him.. hehe :kiss: Now, my kids...
  7. BabyHornyBrat4

    Vote on Gay Marriage

    I am sorry guys.. I am very against on gay marriages but I respected them.. I have a few friends whose are gays/lesbians... As long as they are happy...
  8. BabyHornyBrat4

    The End of False Religious is Near!! Videoclip 5 different sign Language country

    I am part of JW.. I love Jehovah. I had a experience with lot of congregations... They deined me... They are tooooo forces... I told them I want to take a time to become JW. They were too rush about it and pressures me.. I love JEHOVAH to death.. My handsome smiley husband knows that... I...
  9. BabyHornyBrat4

    If someone like you....

    Yea, I agree with him... :-)
  10. BabyHornyBrat4

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes!

    I am sooo FULL from thanksgiving but I WISHED WISHED my husband is with me for Thanksgiving this year... :-(
  11. BabyHornyBrat4

    you have adoption?

    Yea, he is very very protective our daughter.. So do I.. I am very protective my daughter as well...
  12. BabyHornyBrat4

    17 more days!!!!!!

    LOL LMAO!! Cheri and Deafmonkey are so FUNNY!! :laugh2: :laugh2: Now, it's 15 more days! WOOTT!!!!!! I cant believe it is almost there! I am reallly HOPE we can get our first Christmas Tree this year but I doubt it because we dont save lot of money for presents this year... BUT we will...
  13. BabyHornyBrat4

    Black Friday

    YUP! I agree with you.. Our son likes to get a new toys then few hours later, break it! I hate that happens.. We told him thousands times to not break it and he wont listen to us..:twisted:
  14. BabyHornyBrat4

    17 more days!!!!!!

    YUP It will be FUN! I cant wait for it... Friends will be CONFUSED whats the hell we are talking about? What is that languages from? lol... :bowlol: :bowlol:
  15. BabyHornyBrat4

    17 more days!!!!!!

    OHH YEA!! WOOT!!! I cant wait to have a HOT HOT HOT ROMANTIC and HARD SEX all long night! hehe SHH!!!!!!!! The kids will SLEEP and they wont wake up. LOL.. hehe
  16. BabyHornyBrat4

    love of your life

    TRUE! BUT he gave me the hell hickey all over my neck! HAHAHA!!! I am soo happy to found him as husband! I love him to death!!!!!!!!!!! I am so surprised you wrote this story... That's made your wife special day.. :ily:
  17. BabyHornyBrat4

    Does Anyone Still Use Dial Up?

    I hate DIAL UP!! I must have DSL or cable modem which is the best service.. DIAL UP is giving me a grumpy lol.. haha
  18. BabyHornyBrat4

    17 more days!!!!!!

    Oh yea, we miss each other like CRAZY!!!! Yea, time will fly by SO FAST!!! :-)
  19. BabyHornyBrat4

    17 more days!!!!!!

    Yes, the kids and I are move there and live with my husband.. We will be family together AGAIN..
  20. BabyHornyBrat4

    17 more days!!!!!!

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUNNY.... AS you WISH! LMAO! :cuddle: :bj: LMAO hahaha JK JK