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  1. D

    Book club(s)?

    I always wanted to join one, but have not got the chance yet. Not even sure if there is one in my area. Hope you enjoy it!
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    oral death program question

    Just kinda skimmed through this but I must point out that there is no manual on what is the best approach for a hoh or deaf child, while all routes are good intentioned. I had the same issue with my gay son...second oldest to my daughter who I started most dating rules about. My rules went out...
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    My day with LT Dan

    I would love to meet Lt Dan!!
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    Activating CI next week

    So excited for you. My mother has not had hers a year yet and she is still working with it. I hope the tinnitus goes away for you. I get it quiet often and it is very annoying.
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    What did you learn today?

    Today I learned...the first part of the first lesson of ASL from the ASLUniversity site. Though it was just about 20 words, it is a start. Have not completed the first lesson yet, but very excited. There are 30 and he goes into the facial expressions, history, and culture of being deaf. • ASL...
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    My Battle with the Norwegian Scabies....

    My daughter, her husband, and my grandson battled scabies for about 3 months. Hope yours goes away soon.
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    WalMart...not what you think.

    That story deserves your screen name...WHATDIDYOUSAY! That is just crazy. As a human being I could never just ignore another in pain.
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    WalMart...not what you think.

    Good that it all ended up being pretty organized. The high school I went to allowed me to hemorrhage while expecting my mother to get off work an hour away and come sign me out. (!?!)
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    Hey, introduction here.

    Hi and welcome. My name is my screen name. I am about to be 38. I am in North Carolina. I do not play games anymore, but did complete FF 7, 8, and 9 before giving it up. Was starting to neglect my kids and husband to level up or beat a boss, so games had to go. My flicks are- The Color Purple...
  10. D

    Hey Hey Hey!

    Hi, I am hoh and pretty new to all of it also. The little I know is be respectful and sensitive on the approach. There is a place here somewhere for asl students also, I do not remember exactly where though. I am trying to learn myself. What is your major?
  11. D

    Hello from NC

    Many in NC. I have not been on messages forums in a while, but did notice there were over 700 guests on the site. I have never seen so many guests on a forum before. Hope most feel comfortable enough one day to join.
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    The road to be smoke-free.

    Today is my 3 months smoke free. Still crave once in a while. Used nicotine gum for the first 3 weeks then got off that. I took a trip to the Biltmore mansion and a good chunk of my time was thinking of smoking or trying to find a place. I said enough. I want control back. There is also an...
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    I want to read...

    I think I am a late blooming nerd, but with husband, kids, and a brain that refuses to retain what I want it too...sadly I am left wanting. :( That is a good idea though.
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    Video Game Mock JFK Assassination

    I am surprised the French are not involved in more wars. They have a saucy attitude that needs flogged out of them every now and then. :dunno:
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    I want to read...

    Wow, Desperation in 3rd grade. That is cool. Think I was pretty new to chapter books then. Lol I actually hated reading until I found Stephen King at 14 years old. I do enjoy getting ideas of some good reads.
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    Deaf intuition?

    I think in general we are just more observant. A lot of people talk and gossip away all the while missing so many things around them. Attention elsewhere.
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    Help a new sista out!

    Hi. :welcome:
  18. D

    iPhone 5S

    The discontinued 5 is a marketing ploy. Like most no one wants to upgrade the S's, and the other phone is lower quality. So get rid of the next best thing and make a killing on the 6. Not sure when they start selling, but I heard almost a week ago people were lining up already.
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    omg look at this a boat going in a boat rich man's toy

    When your big boat gives birth to a little boat then you know you have arrived! :laugh2:
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    Hello from NC

    Hi neighbor! My son works at the WalMart in Mooresville. I go to BJ's about once a month also.