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  1. kristy2078

    Health care

    Actually, the fewer people who smoke or drink, the lower the health care cost would be. 90% of lung cancer in men/80% in women is caused by smoking. Treating lung cancer takes about $40,000 (more or less, depending on severity, duration, type of treatment, etc), and 203,536 people were...
  2. kristy2078

    Deaf Town, South Dakota

    It's been quite a while since there were news about a Deaf town going to be built somewhere in South Dakota. I was wondering if that town is still developing or what. PS. I think the town was gonna be named Clerc or something like that.
  3. kristy2078

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I would go ahead and pretend to read the Braille menu with my finger tips, appear to be turning gears in my head, then go like "I would like loopy spaghetti, green french fries, and tomato lemonade, please" or something silly. Then reach for a regular menu and order from that :P
  4. kristy2078

    How are people dealing with the Heat WAVE!??

    I did not mean as in first heat wave ever in centuries but for this year. I am aware there have been other heat waves before. We have had summers that were much cooler than normal due to severe volcanic eruptions prior to these summers.
  5. kristy2078

    Audism Free America

    Could she be from another country? Some countries have some asinine laws regarding what deaf people can't do. Or was she born and raised in Buffalo? I wasn't sure if you mean to say that she was born and raised there or you went to college in Buffalo.
  6. kristy2078

    Ideas for Deaf Awareness Month?

    Have them wear ear plugs, turn on some bass music, and have them try out different things like holding an empty bottle, sitting on a wood pallet or box, etc and feel the vibrations. If the kids are older like 3rd, 4th grade, bring in some assistive technology. For example, ask the kids how...
  7. kristy2078

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    LOL!! This is how I would react if that happened to me: ...and shook our heads around as if it'd cure our deafness. I gasped and then said "OH MY GOD I CAN HEAR!!" *listens to noises and people* "Oh wait..." *tapping on my hearing aid* "That was my hearing aid. Sorry, that didn't work...
  8. kristy2078

    Captioned movies on opening day

    Most reels or DVDs don't come with captions already included. The studio has to put that together. So, call up Hollywood and tell them to put captions on their reels or DVDs for the theaters.
  9. kristy2078

    I will be gone...

    no problema and good luck :)
  10. kristy2078

    How are people dealing with the Heat WAVE!??

    Correct me if I am wrong, but the heat issues only just started to hit the country, right? Typically it starts in like May and gets worse until September. It's not the case this year, though. My theory is that the major volanic eruption in 2010 in Iceland probably disrupted the global climate...
  11. kristy2078

    Health care

    With the health care reform stalling, I have been brainstorming a bit for writing up some new ideas to send to Obama or someone on his administration. It's a huge war between capitalism and socialism. So a couple ideas: 1. All minors are covered under a federally funded health care program...