Search results

  1. C

    I looking for woman.

    Ok I will be your best friend for a moment! :D When a woman is called high maintenance, it means she only interests in men who are willing to serve in her whatever she wants. You can name anything, an expensive jewelery, prada/gucci/hermes purses, expensive car, bigger house, etc. These...
  2. C

    I looking for woman.

    Oh my dear! Handsome smile, you are getting popular with crazy ladies now!:bowdown:
  3. C

    Poor Satori needs to stay at the vet.

    What a cute cat you have. I'm wondering what kind of surgery it was? One week is a long recovery for a cat.
  4. C

    La fitness

    Hahahaha.. I can't live with a video game! I'm sure my eyes will go bad fast by glue to the T.V. for many hours. LOL! Very nice short workout! :p I wish my workout is that short too!
  5. C

    tax break

    Ok, how about collecting and keeping all papers that boss and you communicate through? I mean keep all those papers in a file and then whatever happens you have something to behind to support your rights. Anything the boss said on the paper can be used to prosceute for lying, or talking with co...
  6. C

    La fitness

    I joined la fitness two months ago. I enjoyed going there, but last night was my first time taking an aerobic class. It was hard because I was new and don't have an interpreter. I watched and copied how people excerise, but some excerises were so hard to follow. :D At the end of the class, I...
  7. C

    I looking for woman.

    Umm.. Can a laisk surgery correct your problem? Have you looked into it?
  8. C

    underage Friend? get in trouble?

    If you don't want to be in jail for next 30+ years, then do not talk, touch, or go near her! Stay away from her like she is a black widow.
  9. C

    You're not going to believe this . . .

    I would have to say I agree. Hahahaha, serious I hope you will find someone nice Pek1. In my opinion, you are an intelligent man and I think you can meet anyone you like. You can join a gym like la fitness, you will meet tons of women. You can take a dog on the walk where people tend to jog...
  10. C

    to those who have a pitbull

    Really? Where have you seen me before? Yes I do know who is Kyra and she's one of my friends. :)
  11. C

    to those who have a pitbull

    I'm tired of hearing people nag about pitbulls. I don't support irresponsible dog owners and I met numerous irresponsible pitbull owners. No offense to anybody that has a pet, I'm sure that half of you are an irresponsible dog owner anyway because how many times do you let your dogs...
  12. C

    Northern Arizona University, Arizona State Univ. and University of Arizona

    Ok, you should visit both campus, Uof A and ASU. I go to Univeristy of Arizona and major in Chemistry. I have been to ASU and they have four diffrent campus at different locations. It depends on what classes you are taking and you might have to drive farther. The University of Arizona's campus...
  13. C

    Dog Court, be a judge!!!

    No, I never said that shelter is "bad," but many were dumped by their pervious owners for stupid reasons. They didn't abuse their dogs in any cruel ways, but they would say I'm moving, I can't take the dog. This dog destoryed my shoes, I don't have the time for the dog, this dog is not...
  14. C

    Dog Court, be a judge!!!

    I'm sorry if I came out a bit too harsh in my original post. I guess I didn't get enough information, I thought your mom bought the puppy home and then decided not to keep it anymore. I'm pretty senstive when someone does that. I have dealt with rescue animals. I hate seeing them at the shelter...
  15. C

    Deaf student's dog turned away from school

    No I disagree totally! If this school is a public school, the school has NO say whatsoever. ADA is a LAW; therefore, people with disability that have service dogs should be allowed in anywhere. This is simple pure discrimination! Let me ask, do you want to be the person to guide a blind...
  16. C

    Dog Court, be a judge!!!

    Who bought this dog in the first place? Why did you guys have her if you knew that dog is going to live up to 10+ years. Does your mom think it is fair to keep a dog up to four years and then let's say. I don't want to keep her anymore because Brittany is a bad dog. Let's dump her at the...
  17. C

    what kind brand food of your pets?

    No you know why your cat lived to 18 because she ate human food for many years. This is a big secret to get your animal to live longer. The average life span for dogs to live by eating kibbles are about 6 to 10 years old. In fact, they can live up to 15 years old if they are on raw diet with...
  18. C

    what kind brand food of your pets?

    No you are wrong. It has been recalled. Menu Foods Income Fund - Annual General Meeting Eukanuba listed number 13 All recalled dog products Recalled Dog Product Information Recall Information 1-866-895-2708 Variety or Multi-Packs: If you are in possession of a variety or...
  19. C

    what kind brand food of your pets?

    Maybe you can feed her the vegetarian diet and add some protein in. Like throw in a raw meat such as liver, heart, or muscle. You can add cottage cheese, pumpkin, and chicken breast in. After I heard about many pet food being recalled, I changed my dogs' diet to raw. Actually it is called...
  20. C

    Deaf Dalmatian dogs

    Not only deafness can be found in dalmation, but bulldogs, great dane, white australian shepherds, boxer, and few other breeds. If a stupid person decided to breed two merle dogs together, they will end up having puppies that can be born blind, deaf, or blind and deaf. Most intelligent breeders...