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  1. C

    Ask Texan Guy Anything

    Are you in Ireland? If so, where?
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    Ask JClarke Anything...

    Looking for nice ladies in here? Ha, have you been to England? I was there in 2004 and met a guy from Australia. It was cool!
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    What is your middle name?

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    Ask VamPyroX Anything!

    How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
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    I got a raise today

    Barvo, that's nice.
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    Ask Dixie anything - really anything......

    Who are you? And.. What is your sex? :D I don't get to visit this board much anymore.
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    my newest puppy!

    A five weeks old puppy is too young to be taken away from its mother. It should stay until it is 8 weeks old.
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    PETA Kills

    PETA is a nuthead org
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    Love between hearing and deaf people

    What a great advice to give. I'm totally with you on this. :D
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    Love between hearing and deaf people

    If he doesn't like to sign front of you or other people, obvious he is not feeling comfortable being deaf. I think he has some issues that he NEEDS to work on to embrace that he's deaf and gay. He needs to be proud of what he is. All people in this world will discriminate regardless of...
  11. C

    anybody know about Horse?

    If they lay down too long, they can get bloat. They are more comfortable standing up than laying down. Did you know that sharks open their eyes when they sleep? They have to do it to take care of their hooves because their horses don't have enough acres to keep their horses walk around...
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    My RIGHTS to keep my Hearing Dog....

    I'm curious what's the update on this? Anyone knows?:ty:
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    discrimination against Costco Wholesales

    I would contact NAD to see if they want to help. I think you should not let this company gets away with this! Who knows you will win a big lawsuit!
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    Why is my post removed?

    Oh, ok thank you. I didn't realize you moved it. I didn't know that I can post something like that in Pensuriam? I thought it is supposed to be about sex stuff :)
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    Why is my post removed?

    I would like to know. If I am not allowed to post anything like that, then some one needs to remove Van G's post as well. I'm sorry its not fair.
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    Neighborhood Lab is a terrorist!!

    Your vet doesn't know anything about dog behavior. This dog tried to bite someone's face. I think you need to re read the orginal post one more time.
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    Neighborhood Lab is a terrorist!!

    It does not matter. The point an accident is waiting to happen. If a young kid rode on a bike, what do you think this same lab will do? I'm smelling a lawsuit, euthansia, a road trip to hospital, and irresponisble dog owner.
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    Lab needs to be banished, but not destoryed

    Pine Cone 070824-1
  19. C

    I'm Sad, too.

    People who complain and whine all the time put other people down. Yes, we can't change your attitude, but you are the only person who can. I believe people will start to respect you more. Go ahead! What are you waiting for? If there is a door open for an adventure, then go and...
  20. C

    Did you guys know that dead or sick dogs and cats can be found in pet food?

    My dogs don't eat egg shells either, I toss them in the trash. Please read as much as you can on raw feeding and I will send you a link where you can ask questions. There are bunch of experts who can answer your questions better than I can. Either you can join the leerburg discussion forum to...