Search results

  1. marcyp06

    Chat program

    I have looked into Typewell but it takes a LOT to gain certification. Am still researching further. Will also look more into screen sharing settings. At this point the student has only chosen to open her laptop twice in the past 3 weeks, so its really not an issue as I just type the notes and...
  2. marcyp06

    Searching for someone

    I dont really know. Tell her Marcy from Yakima, Washington is looking for her. 509.929.7236 I miss her dearly. I wish you luck in your search as well. Thank you.
  3. marcyp06

    Searching for someone

    This is somewhat of a strange post... I am searching for someone. She is a Deaf Punjabi woman, probably in her late 20's. She is transgendered, born male but living as female, and identifies as a lesbian. She is most likely going by the name Scarlett May, though that isnt her given name. She...
  4. marcyp06

    medical alert Tag for child

    Teach him to write his name, number, parents names as you would teach a hearing child to recite it. Make sure he is aware of general safety do's and dont's. You could get something like one of these: Road ID ® - ID Bracelets for Kids Child ID Bracelet But I wouldnt get him a medical...
  5. marcyp06

    Chat program

    I am transcribing for a deaf high school sophomore currently. Its been a month now and for the first three weeks I was basically just typing up notes, printing them, and giving them to her at the end of the day. This week we finally got a dual laptops, with the idea being that I can type what is...
  6. marcyp06

    Transcribing software

    Im starting a new job on Monday morning, working as a transcriber for a deaf high school student. They currently do not have any software in place and I am looking around to find some different options. I found the TypeWell program but have read that it is practically impossible to pass the...
  7. marcyp06

    Looking for some statistics

    Quality of language, for sure... Thanks for the link! :)
  8. marcyp06

    Looking for some statistics

    Finishing up a research paper and have a couple things I cant find. I'll edit it to take them out it needed, but thought i'd ask around here first. What is the percentage of Deaf-Ed programs in hearing schools that use pure (or very close to) ASL? What is the percentage of Deaf teachers in...
  9. marcyp06

    Deaf Research Paper Topic

    I dont have much of a choice. I am in an ASL class and required to write this. I was told "Write a 3 page research paper about some topic in Deaf culture." Well good grief, give me a broad topic area why dont you! I have been inter-mingled in the Deaf World for two years now. I have more Deaf...
  10. marcyp06

    Deaf Research Paper Topic

    I've been assigned a (3 page minimum) research paper for my ASL class. On ANY topic in Deaf Culture. Im a good writer and really enjoy research... but this is such a BROAD spectrum of topics I can discuss... and im totally lost! Any suggestions? I want something UNIQUE!
  11. marcyp06

    Checking into US Cellular phones....

    US Cellular has great coverage here.My Dad has a plan and I might join his family plan. I am struggling with Verizon Motorola Droice (original) and video chatting. Has anyone used Samsung Mesmerize or any other US Cellular phone with ZVRS or any other video chatting program?
  12. marcyp06

    Relay Service Hangups

    Also as sad as it is its true that many people just dont want to take the time. My ex and I have realized that its just quicker if I, as a hearing person, call about jobs and apartments and whatnot for her rather than her getting continuously hung up on :-/
  13. marcyp06

    Relay Service Hangups

    I get man bill collectors so am used to answering phone and hearing a delay before there is a voice or hearing a computerized voice. In those cases I am in the habit to just hang up and not listen to them drone on about how much money I owe. Last month I did just that, and the phone rang again...
  14. marcyp06

    Speech and Hearing aids

    People always asked where my HOH girlfriend was from they thought she had slight accent from another area, most didnt realize she was deaf.
  15. marcyp06

    Caption Bleep

    Watching America Dad. Roger said: "Dont forget the Mentol Lights" captions read: "Dont forget the Virgina Slims." That one just DOESNT make sense!
  16. marcyp06

    Portable Personal Music Player Recommendations Please

    My ex is HOH and uses an iPod and Bose headphones. She uses earbuds but all Bose products produce good sound. The headphones can be kinds pricey, in the $100 range, but are worth it and come with a warranty.
  17. marcyp06

    HTC Thunderbolt

    It has been a while now since Thunderbolt for Verizon has been out. How are you liking it? Is it worth it to stay with Verizon and use Thunderbolt or better to switch to Sprint? I am mainly asking about video call quality.
  18. marcyp06

    HTC Thunderbolt

    Yes. I want to be able to call my d/hh friends/family. I have planned to switch to Sprint because the video quality is supposed to be better but if Verizon is making progress with this maybe I will stay.
  19. marcyp06

    HTC Thunderbolt

    I'm not d/hh. I need voice as well as data plan. That is what I have now, just want to upgrade to Thunderbolt with 4G for ability to use Z4 as well.
  20. marcyp06

    HTC Thunderbolt

    Hmm I will have to go to store and ask. I have voice plan with unlimited 3G and texting